USSF 2010 Survey Codebook
Amended Instructions (8/11/10)
Concerning items 32 and 33 (where the respondent was born
and currently lives), it would be wise to study the overall pattern of
responses then code the item. Basically, you may have to use some judgment to
figure out what the respondent meant, but it is better to code useful data, as
opposed to simply transcribing what the respondent may have actually written.
For example, you can consider US,
Amended Instructions (8/4/10)
Just a few additional instructions.
1) If you encounter a survey that is mostly blank (like the respondent completed on the first page or two) code what you can and then once you reach the point where the respondent stopped answering questions leave the rest of that row in the data matrix blank.
2) Anywhere the respondent wrote in answers (particularly, if it looks like they were trying to create their own �other� category) record them in the �Comments� column at the very end of the data matrix.
3) Finally, while it is important to follow the codebook, you can exercise some judgment. For example if the respondent wrote something in one of the �other� blanks, but did not actually check the box for �other� it is probably ok to record a �1� in the appropriate column. At the same time, if you cannot make sense of the responses you see (multiple checkmarks, sloppy writing) you should record an �88� or �99� where appropriate.
If the string (text) variable is unclear or illegible, put as many letters and words down as you can decipher and put ... for the letters or words that you cannot make out.� Write 8, 88, or 888 if its entirely illegible.
For responses for the checked boxes, if there is no choice in the codebook for having more than one box checked and the respondent did so, treat it as a no answer.� Be sure to read all the choices before deciding to do this.� If there is more than one response for coded variables, code the first response unless otherwise indicated.�
If there are marginal notes written on the survey, put these down in the next to the last variable.� The last variable allows you to make comments about the survey or your coding.� Please do not forget to indicate the variable that you are referring to.
To code the string variables, you should refer to the assigned code list for that variable.� However, if you notice a discrepancy between the transcribed answer and the survey response, use the survey response and make a note the discrepancy on the assigned code list and the last variable.
Please note that for some of the variables, the first value begins with a 0 and others with 1.� String variables do not have missing values assigned, but please use 9 to refer to questions that the respondent did not answer as you do for the numeric variables (but read the comments on when these apply).� If the answer doesn�t apply and they have no response, leave it blank.�
If it says SKIP in the variable label, skip the question.� We will enter this data in another round.
Remember to save often (every few minutes).
Part 0: Survey Description
Var100 |
number |
Enter survey number |
Var200 |
Language of questionnaire |
0 |
English |
1 |
Spanish |
Var300 |
Date of
survey |
Var400 |
administered the survey |
Var500 |
entered the survey? |
Write your initials (regardless of who the
survey was assigned to) |
Part I: Political
Var1a |
How Did you find out about
the 2010 USSF. |
0 |
No boxes checked |
1 |
One or more boxes checked |
Var1aa: Radio or television |
0= not checked |
1= checked |
Var1ab: Newspapers |
0=not checked |
1=checked |
Var1ac: alternative online media |
0=not checked |
1=checked |
Var1ad: advertisements, flyers etc. |
0= not checked |
1=checked |
Var1ae: family member or partner |
0= not checked |
1= checked |
Var1af: friends/acquaintances |
0= not checked |
1= checked |
Var1ag: people at school or work |
0=not checked |
1=checked |
Var1ah: fellow members of org |
0= not checked |
1=checked |
Var1ai: online social networks |
0= not checked |
1=checked |
Var1aj: other (write in) |
0= not checked |
1= checked |
Var1aja |
Other what? |
Write in what was written in the
�Comments� field at the end of the data matrix; be sure to indicate that it
refers to the first item. |
Var1b |
Which of the above information channels was the most important? (please circle box of the most important information source)� |
0 |
No boxes circled |
1 |
One or more boxes circled |
Var1ba: Radio or television |
0= not circled |
1= circled |
Var1bb: Newspapers |
0=not circled |
1= circled |
Var1bc: alternative online media |
0=not circled |
1= circled |
Var1bd: advertisements, flyers etc. |
0= not circled |
1= circled |
Var1be: family member or partner |
0= not circled |
1= circled |
Var1bf: friends/acquaintances |
0= not circled |
1= circled |
Var1bg: people at school or work |
0=not circled |
1= circled |
Var1bh: fellow members of org |
0= not circled |
1= circled |
Var1bi: online social networks |
0= not circled |
1= circled |
Var1bj: other (write in) |
0= not circled |
1= circled |
Var2 |
Number of prior Social Forums. |
0 1-98 |
They checked the box
indicating it�s their first forum. Add up the total number of
all prior forums they have attended |
99 |
No answer; Use 99 if
no number is listed and the �No
prior forums box� is not checked. |
**If var2 is 0 then enter 0s for var2 a-gg
Var2a�������� �Local? |
0- ������No |
1- ������Yes-if they wrote in a number or
checked it |
�88-������� Unclear answer. |
Var2aa |
Number of times at Local? |
����������� 0-98 |
�Number written down |
������������ 99 |
No answer or illegible |
Comment: Only use 99 if no boxes are checked for question var2.
Var2b�������� �Regional? |
0- ������No |
1- ������Yes-if
they wrote in a number or checked����������
it |
88-������� Unclear answer. |
Var2bb |
Number of times at Regional? |
����������� 0-98 |
�Number written down |
������������ 99 |
No answer or illegible |
Comment: Only use 99 if no boxes are checked for question var2.
Var2c�������� �Thematic? |
0- ������No |
1- ������Yes-if they wrote in a number or
checked it �����������
88-������� Unclear answer. |
Var2cc |
Number of times at Thematic? |
����������� 0-98 |
�Number written down |
������������ 99 |
No answer or illegible |
Comment: Only use 99 if no boxes are checked for question var2.
Var2d������� �2007 USSF |
0- ������No |
1- ������Yes-if they wrote in a number or
checked it |
88-������� Unclear answer. |
Var2e������� �Other National Forum |
2- ������No |
3- ������Yes-if they wrote in a number or
checked it |
88-������� Unclear answer. |
Var2ee |
Number of times at Other National Forum |
����������� 0-98 |
�Number written down |
������������ 99 |
No answer or illegible |
Comment: Only use 99 if no boxes are checked for question var2.
Var2f������� �Polycentric? |
0- ������No |
1- ������Yes-if they wrote in a number or
checked� it |
88-������� Unclear answer. |
Var2ff |
Number of times at Polycentric? |
����������� 0-98 |
�Number written down |
������������ 99 |
No answer or illegible |
Comment: Only use 99 if no boxes are checked for question var2.
Var2g������� �World(Global)? |
0- ������No |
1- ������Yes-if they wrote in a number or
checked it |
88-������� Unclear answer. |
Var2gg |
Number of times at World(Global)? |
����������� 0-98 |
�Number written down |
������������ 99 |
No answer or illegible |
Comment: Only use 99 if no boxes are checked for question var2.
Var3 |
Reasons for attending WSF (check all that
apply): |
0 |
boxes checked and no response written in. |
1 |
At least one box is
checked and/or response written in for Other___________ |
Var3a |
Reasons for attending WSF Organize? |
0 |
�No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Comment: Only use 99 if var3 is 0.
Var3b |
Reasons for attending WSF: Network? |
0 |
�No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Comment: Only use 99 if var3 is 0.
Var3c |
Reasons for attending WSF: Recruit? |
0 |
�No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Comment: Only use 99 if var3 is 0.
Var3d |
Reasons for attending WSF: Learn
Issues/Information? |
0 |
�No |
1 |
Yes |
9 |
No answer |
Comment: Only use 99 if var3 is 0.
Var3e |
Reasons for attending WSF:
Culture/Performances? |
0 |
�No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Comment: Only use 99 if var3 is 0.
Var3f |
Reasons for attending WSF: Document it? This option is out of order as it appears
on the survey (see above) |
0 |
�No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Comment: Only use 99 if var3 is 0
Var3g |
Reasons for attending WSF: Work? |
0 |
�No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Comment: Only use 99 if var3 is 0.
Var3h |
Reasons for attending WSF: Research? |
0 |
�No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Comment: Only use 99 if var3 is 0.
Var3i |
Reasons for attending WSF: Interpreting? |
0 |
�No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Comment: Only use 99 if var3 is 0.
Var3j |
Reasons for attending WSF: Inspiration? |
0 |
�No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Comment: Only use 99 if var3 is 0.
Var3k |
Reasons for attending WSF: Fun or Leisure? |
0 |
�No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Comment: Only use 99 if var3 is 0.
Var3l |
Reasons for attending WSF: Other? |
0 |
�No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Comment: Only use 99 if var3 is 0.
Var3m |
Other what? |
Write what is listed here. |
Comment: only use 99 if var3=99 or var3l is 0.
Var4a |
Organization membership: labor
union/organization |
0 |
�No position checked |
1 |
Yes, at least 1 position
checked |
99 |
No answer |
Var4aa |
Organization membership: labor
union/organization: member |
0 |
�Member not checked |
1 |
Yes, member position
checked |
99 |
No answer |
Var4ab |
Organization membership: labor
union/organization: paid staff |
0 |
�Paid staff not checked |
1 |
Yes, Paid Staff� position checked |
99 |
No answer |
Var4ac |
Organization membership: labor
union/organization: leader |
0 |
Leader not checked |
1 |
Yes, Leader position
checked |
99 |
No answer |
Var4ad |
Organization membership: labor
union/organization: representative at the USSF |
0 |
�representative not checked |
1 |
Yes, USSF� representative checked |
99 |
No answer |
Var4b |
Organization membership: Non-governmental
organization(s) : |
0 |
�No position checked |
1 |
Yes, one or more
positions� checked |
99 |
No answer |
Var4ba |
Organization membership: Non-governmental
organization(s):member |
0 |
�Member position not checked |
1 |
Yes, member position� checked |
99 |
No answer |
Var4bb |
Organization membership: Non-governmental
organization(s):paid staff |
0 |
�Paid Staff�
position not checked |
1 |
Yes, Paid Staff� position�
checked |
99 |
No answer |
Var4bc |
Organization membership: Non-governmental
organization(s):Leader |
0 |
�Leader position not checked |
1 |
Yes, Leader position� checked |
99 |
No answer |
Var4bd |
Organization membership: Non-governmental
organization(s): USSF representative |
0 |
�USSF representative� position not checked |
1 |
Yes, USSF representative
position� checked |
99 |
No answer |
Var4c |
Organization membership: Government
agency(ies) |
0 |
�No position checked |
1 |
Yes, one or more
positions� checked |
99 |
No answer |
Var4ca |
Organization membership: Government
agency(ies) :member |
0 |
�Member position not checked |
1 |
Yes, member position� checked |
99 |
No answer |
Var4cb |
Organization membership: Government
agency(ies) :paid staff |
0 |
�Paid Staff�
position not checked |
1 |
Yes, Paid Staff� position�
checked |
99 |
No answer |
Var4cc |
Organization membership: Government
agency(ies) :Leader |
0 |
�Leader position not checked |
1 |
Yes, Leader position� checked |
99 |
No answer |
Var004cd |
Organization membership: Government
agency(ies) : USSF
representative |
0 |
�USSF representative� position not checked |
1 |
Yes, USSF representative
position� checked |
99 |
No answer |
Var4d |
membership: Cultural group(s) |
0 |
�No position checked |
1 |
Yes, one or more positions�
checked |
99 |
No answer |
Var4da |
Organization membership: Cultural
group(s) :member |
0 |
�Member position not checked |
1 |
Yes, member position� checked |
99 |
No answer |
Var4db |
Organization membership: Cultural
group(s):paid staff |
0 |
�Paid Staff�
position not checked |
1 |
Yes, Paid Staff� position�
checked |
99 |
No answer |
Var4dc |
Organization membership: Cultural
group(s):Leader |
0 |
�Leader position not checked |
1 |
Yes, Leader position� checked |
99 |
No answer |
Var4dd |
Organization membership: Cultural
group(s) : USSF representative |
0 |
�USSF representative� position not checked |
1 |
Yes, USSF representative
position� checked |
99 |
No answer |
Var4e |
membership: �Professional
association(s) |
0 |
�No position checked |
1 |
Yes, one or more positions�
checked |
99 |
No answer |
Var4ea |
Organization membership: Professional
association(s) :member |
0 |
�Member position not checked |
1 |
Yes, member position� checked |
99 |
No answer |
Var4eb |
Organization membership: Professional
association(s) :paid staff |
0 |
�Paid Staff�
position not checked |
1 |
Yes, Paid Staff� position�
checked |
99 |
No answer |
Var4ec |
Organization membership: Professional
association(s) :Leader |
0 |
�Leader position not checked |
1 |
Yes, Leader position� checked |
99 |
No answer |
Var4ed |
Organization membership: Professional
association(s) : USSF
representative |
0 |
�USSF representative� position not checked |
1 |
Yes, USSF representative
position� checked |
99 |
No answer |
Var4f |
membership: ��Political
party(ies) |
0 |
�No position checked |
1 |
Yes, one or more positions�
checked |
99 |
No answer |
Var4fa |
Organization membership: Political
party(ies) :member |
0 |
�Member position not checked |
1 |
Yes, member position� checked |
99 |
No answer |
Var4fb |
Organization membership: Political
party(ies) :paid
staff |
0 |
�Paid Staff�
position not checked |
1 |
Yes, Paid Staff� position�
checked |
99 |
No answer |
Var4fc |
Organization membership: Political
party(ies) :Leader |
0 |
�Leader position not checked |
1 |
Yes, Leader position� checked |
99 |
No answer |
Var4fd |
Organization membership: Political
party(ies) :
USSF representative |
0 |
�USSF representative� position not checked |
1 |
Yes, USSF representative
position� checked |
99 |
No answer |
Var4g |
membership: ���Media
organization(s) � |
0 |
�No position checked |
1 |
Yes, one or more positions�
checked |
99 |
No answer |
Var4ga |
Organization membership: Media Organization(s) :member |
0 |
�Member position not checked |
1 |
Yes, member position� checked |
99 |
No answer |
Var4gb |
Organization membership: Media
organization(s) :paid staff |
0 |
�Paid Staff�
position not checked |
1 |
Yes, Paid Staff� position�
checked |
99 |
No answer |
Var4gc |
Organization membership: Media
organization(s) :Leader |
0 |
�Leader position not checked |
1 |
Yes, Leader position� checked |
99 |
No answer |
Var4gd |
Organization membership: Media
organization(s): USSF representative |
0 |
�USSF representative� position not checked |
1 |
Yes, USSF representative
position� checked |
99 |
No answer |
Var4h |
membership: Social or recreational Group(s) � |
0 |
�No position checked |
1 |
Yes, one or more positions�
checked |
99 |
No answer |
Var4ha |
Organization membership: Social or
recreational group(s) :member |
0 |
�Member position not checked |
1 |
Yes, member position� checked |
99 |
No answer |
Var4hb |
Organization membership: Social or
recreational group(s):paid staff |
0 |
�Paid Staff�
position not checked |
1 |
Yes, Paid Staff� position�
checked |
99 |
No answer |
Var4hc |
Organization membership: Social or
recreational group(s):Leader |
0 |
�Leader position not checked |
1 |
Yes, Leader position� checked |
99 |
No answer |
Var4hd |
Organization membership: Social or
recreational group(s): USSF
representative |
0 |
�USSF representative� position not checked |
1 |
Yes, USSF representative
position� checked |
99 |
No answer |
Var4i |
membership: �Religious
institution(s)/movement(s) |
0 |
�No position checked |
1 |
Yes, one or more positions�
checked |
99 |
No answer |
Var4ia |
Organization membership: Religious
institution(s)/movement(s):member |
0 |
�Member position not checked |
1 |
Yes, member position� checked |
99 |
No answer |
Var4ib |
Organization membership: Religious
staff |
0 |
�Paid Staff�
position not checked |
1 |
Yes, Paid Staff� position�
checked |
99 |
No answer |
Var4ic |
Organization membership: Religious
institution(s)/movement(s):Leader |
0 |
�Leader position not checked |
1 |
Yes, Leader position� checked |
99 |
No answer |
Var4id |
Organization membership: Religious
institution(s)/movement(s): USSF
representative |
0 |
�USSF representative� position not checked |
1 |
Yes, USSF representative
position� checked |
99 |
No answer |
Var4j |
membership: ��Social movement/political organization� |
0 |
�No position checked |
1 |
Yes, one or more positions�
checked |
99 |
No answer |
Var4ja |
Organization membership: Social
movement/political organization� :member |
0 |
�Member position not checked |
1 |
Yes, member position� checked |
99 |
No answer |
Var4jb |
Organization membership: Social
movement/political organization� :paid staff |
0 |
�Paid Staff�
position not checked |
1 |
Yes, Paid Staff� position�
checked |
99 |
No answer |
Var4jc |
Organization membership: Social
movement/political organization� :Leader |
0 |
�Leader position not checked |
1 |
Yes, Leader position� checked |
99 |
No answer |
Var4jd |
Organization membership: Social
movement/political organization� :USSF representative |
0 |
�Leader position not checked |
1 |
Yes, Leader position� checked |
99 |
No answer |
Var4k |
membership: ��Other�
0 |
�No position checked |
1 |
Yes, one or more positions�
checked |
99 |
No answer |
Var4ka |
Organization membership: Other� :member
0 |
�Member position not checked |
1 |
Yes, member position� checked |
99 |
No answer |
Var4kb |
Organization membership: Other� :paid
staff |
0 |
�Paid Staff�
position not checked |
1 |
Yes, Paid Staff� position�
checked |
99 |
No answer |
Var4kc |
Organization membership: Other� :Leader |
0 |
�Leader position not checked |
1 |
Yes, Leader position� checked |
99 |
No answer |
Var4kd |
Organization membership: Other� :
USSF representative |
0 |
�USSF representative� position not checked |
1 |
Yes, USSF representative
position� checked |
99 |
No answer |
Var4ke |
Other what? |
Write what is listed here. |
Var5a |
How often do you
contact someone outside of the |
0 |
Never |
1 |
Rarely |
2 |
Sometimes |
3 |
Frequently |
4 |
Frequently |
99 |
No answer |
Var5b |
From what
country or countries are the contacts referred to in 5a? |
Type in answers |
88 |
Unintelligible |
99 |
No answer |
Var6 |
What forms of
online technologies and tools do you use for activist/political purposes?
Check all that apply. |
0 |
None, zero
boxes are checked 106a-d |
1 |
Yes, one box
is checked 106a-d |
2 |
Two or more
boxes are checked 106a-d |
99 |
No answer |
Var6a |
technologies? (e.g., Wikis, Google apps) |
0 |
No |
1 |
Yes |
88 |
Unclear answer |
Comment: Only use 99 if var6 is not answered.
Var6b |
Technologies? (e.g., Email, Blogs, Twitter, Discussion boards ) |
0 |
No |
1 |
Yes |
88 |
Unclear answer |
Comment: Only use 99 if var6 is not answered.
Var6c |
Sharing Technologies? (e.g., Flicker, YouTube) |
0 |
No |
1 |
Yes |
88 |
Unclear answer |
Comment: Only use 99 if var6 is not answered.
Var6d |
Networking Technologies? (e.g., Facebook, LinkedIn) |
0 |
No |
1 |
Yes |
88 |
Unclear answer |
Comment: Only use 99 if var6 is not answered. |
Var6e |
Other? |
0 |
No |
1 |
Yes |
88 |
Unclear answer |
Var6f |
please specify |
Type in answers |
Comment: Only use 99 if var6 is not answered.
Var6g |
None |
0 |
No |
1 |
Yes |
88 |
Unclear answer |
Comment: Only use 99 if var6 is not answered.
Var7 |
list the top three political/activist groups in which you�re involved. |
Type in answers; |
88 |
Unintelligible |
99 |
No answer |
Var8 |
In the
last 12 months, about how many hours per week on average did you spend on
your political activities? |
0-168 Midpoint |
written down If range (i.e.: 10-20 = 15) |
99 |
No answer or illegible; note this would also include
open-end responses (like �more than 10� or �less that 5� |
Var9a |
In the
last 12 months how many public protests or demonstrations did you participate
in? |
0-98 |
written down |
Midpoint |
If range (i.e.: 10-20� = 15) |
99 |
No answer or illegible; note this would also include
open-end responses (like �more than 10� or �less that 5� |
Var9b |
In your lifetime,
about how many public protests or demonstrations did you participate in? |
0 |
Zero |
1 |
1-5 |
2 |
6-10 |
3 |
11-20 |
4 |
21 + |
99 |
No answer |
Note: For this item it looks like some respondents are only checking the �yes�s. Study the pattern on each survey carefully before deciding on whether the respondent was just checking the yeses (and 0s would be appropriate) or if they really were skipping the item, or portions of the item (and 99s would be appropriate).
There are many things people can do to prevent or promote change. Have you, in the past 12 months VAR 10A: contacted a politician, government, or local government official |
0�� No �1�� Yes ������� 88 Unclear ������������� 99 No Answer |
There are many things people can do to prevent or promote change. Have you, in the past 12 months VAR 10B: signed a petition/public letter |
0�� No �1�� Yes ������� 88 Unclear ���������� ���99 No Answer |
There are many things people can do to prevent or promote change. Have you, in the past 12 months VAR 10C: donated money to a political organization or group |
0�� No �1�� Yes ������� 88 Unclear ������������� 99 No Answer |
There are many things people can do to prevent or promote change. Have you, in the past 12 months VAR 10D: boycotted certain products |
0�� No �1�� Yes ������� 88 Unclear ������������� 99 No Answer |
There are many things people can do to prevent or promote change. Have you, in the past 12 months VAR 10E: deliberately bought products for political, ethical or environmental reasons |
0�� No �1�� Yes ������� 88 Unclear ������������� 99 No Answer |
There are many things people can do to prevent or promote change. Have you, in the past 12 months VAR 10F: worn or displayed a campaign badge/sticker |
0�� No �1�� Yes ������� 88 Unclear ������������� 99 No Answer |
There are many things people can do to prevent or promote change. Have you, in the past 12 months VAR 10G: joined a strike |
0�� No �1�� Yes ������� 88 Unclear ������������� 99 No Answer |
There are many things people can do to prevent or promote change. Have you, in the past 12 months VAR 10H: taken part in direct action |
0�� No �1�� Yes ������� 88 Unclear ������������� 99 No Answer |
There are many things people can do to prevent or promote change. Have you, in the past 12 months VAR 10I: used violent forms of action |
0�� No �1�� Yes ������� 88 Unclear ������������� 99 No Answer |
How has the economic crisis affected the work of your political organization(s)? Check all that apply VAR 11A: we lost material resources |
0�� No �1�� Yes ������� 88 Unclear ������������� 99 No Answer |
How has the economic crisis affected the work of your political organization(s)? Check all that apply VAR 11B: we gained material resources |
0�� No �1�� Yes ������� 88 Unclear ������������� 99 No Answer |
How has the economic crisis affected the work of your political organization(s)? Check all that apply VAR 11C: we spend more time or resources on providing for the material needs of our members |
0�� No �1�� Yes ������� 88 Unclear ������������� 99 No Answer |
How has the economic crisis affected the work of your political organization(s)? Check all that apply VAR 11D: our political goals or priorities shifted towards issues related to the crisis |
0�� No �1�� Yes ������� 88 Unclear ������������� 99 No Answer |
How has the economic crisis affected the work of your political organization(s)? Check all that apply VAR 11E: we shifted how we talk about the issues we work on to link them to the economic crisis |
0�� No �1�� Yes ������� 88 Unclear ������������� 99 No Answer |
How has the economic crisis affected the work of your political organization(s)? Check all that apply VAR 11F: membership participation has increased |
0�� No �1�� Yes ������� 88 Unclear ������������� 99 No Answer |
How has the economic crisis affected the work of your political organization(s)? Check all that apply VAR 11G: membership participation has declined |
0�� No �1�� Yes ������� 88 Unclear ������������� 99 No Answer |
How has the economic crisis affected the work of your political organization(s)? Check all that apply VAR 11H: we cooperate more closely with other organizations or shifted the kinds of organizations we work with |
0�� No �1�� Yes ������� 88 Unclear ������������� 99 No Answer |
How has the economic crisis affected the work of your political organization(s)? Check all that apply VAR 11I: Don�t know |
0�� No �1�� Yes �� �����88 Unclear ������������� 99 No Answer |
How has the economic crisis affected the work of your political organization(s)? Check all that apply VAR 11J: Other |
0�� No �1�� Yes ������� 88 Unclear ������������� 99 No Answer |
VAR 12: How
proud are you to be from your country? |
0 Not proud at all 1 Not very proud 2��� Quite
proud 3���� Very
proud 5 Don�t Know 88 Unclear 99 No Answer |
VAR 13: How
much do you trust people from other countries? Could you tell us
whether you trust people from other nations completely, somewhat, not very
much, or not at all? |
0 Not trust at all 1 Not trust very much 2��� Trust a
little 3���� Trust
completely 5 Don�t Know 88 Unclear 99 No Answer |
VAR 14: Many
people have said the potential for significant, positive social change is now
greater, during the administration of Barack Obama, than it has been in the
past. When you think about the potential for significant, positive social
change now, as compared to two years ago, do you think that that the potential
for this change is now |
0 Much less 1 Less 2��� The same 3���� Greater 4��� Much
greater 88 Unclear 99 No Answer |
Var15 |
In general, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with
the functioning of democracy in your country? |
0 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
2 |
3 |
3 |
4 |
4 |
5 |
5 |
6 |
6 |
7 |
7 |
8 |
8 |
9 |
9 |
10 |
88 |
Don't Know / more than one answer |
99 |
No Response |
Var16 |
Which of the
following best describes your political views? |
0 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
2 |
3 |
3 |
4 |
4 |
5 |
5 |
6 |
6 |
7 |
88 |
than one answer |
99 |
No Response |
Var17a |
With which
party do you most closely identify right now?�
Democrat |
Republican |
Constitution |
Green |
Libertarian |
AF |
American |
AI |
Communist Party |
FW |
Moderate |
Modern Whig |
Objectivist |
SL |
Socialism and
Liberation |
PF |
Peace and
Freedom |
PL |
Labor |
Prohibition |
Reform |
SE |
Equality |
Socialist |
SW |
Workers |
Marijuana |
Unity Party |
Workers |
WW |
Workers World |
Families |
(If respondent
clearly wrote in the words �none,� �don�t� or something to that effect) |
Other (Type in
answers) |
88 |
/ more than one answer |
99 |
No answer |
Var17b |
How closely do
you identify with this party? |
0 |
Not Very Close |
1 |
Quite Close |
2 |
Very Close |
88 |
than one answer |
99 |
No Response |
Var18 |
Do you think we
need to reform capitalism or abolish it? Check one. |
0 |
Reform |
1 |
Abolish |
2 |
Neither |
88 |
than one answer |
99 |
No Response |
Var19a |
should redistribute income from the better off to those who are less well
off. |
0 |
Disagree |
1 |
Disagree |
2 |
Agree |
3 |
Strongly Agree |
88 |
than one answer |
99 |
No Response |
Var19b |
Children should
be taught to obey authority. |
0 |
Disagree |
1 |
Disagree |
2 |
Agree |
3 |
Strongly Agree |
88 |
than one answer |
99 |
No Response |
Var19c |
Even the most
important public services and industries are best left to private enterprise. |
0 |
Disagree |
1 |
Disagree |
2 |
Agree |
3 |
Strongly Agree |
88 |
than one answer |
99 |
No Response |
Var19d |
People from
other countries should be allowed to come to my country and live here
permanently if they want to. |
0 |
Strongly Disagree |
1 |
Disagree |
2 |
Agree |
3 |
Strongly Agree |
88 |
than one answer |
99 |
No Response |
Var20a |
Below is a list of institutions. Please indicate, in general, how much you trust each of the following (types of) institutions. National
government |
0 |
Not at all |
1 |
Not very |
2 |
Somewhat |
3 |
Quite a bit |
4 |
Very much |
88 |
Unclear / more
than one answer. |
99 |
No answer |
Var20b |
Below is a list of institutions. Please indicate, in general, how much you trust each of the following (types of) institutions. |
0 |
Not at all |
1 |
Not very |
2 |
Somewhat |
3 |
Quite a bit |
4 |
Very much |
88 |
Unclear / more
than one answer. |
99 |
No answer |
Var20c |
Below is a list of institutions. Please indicate, in general, how much you trust each of the following (types of) institutions. Political
parties |
0 |
Not at all |
1 |
Not very |
2 |
Somewhat |
3 |
Quite a bit |
4 |
Very much |
88 |
Unclear / more
than one answer. |
99 |
No answer |
Var20d |
Below is a list of institutions. Please indicate, in general, how much you trust each of the following (types of) institutions. Trade unions |
0 |
Not at all |
1 |
Not very |
2 |
Somewhat |
3 |
Quite a bit |
4 |
Very much |
88 |
Unclear / more
than one answer. |
99 |
No answer |
Var20e |
Below is a list of institutions. Please indicate, in general, how much you trust each of the following (types of) institutions. Judicial system |
0 |
Not at all |
1 |
Not very |
2 |
Somewhat |
3 |
Quite a bit |
4 |
Very much |
88 |
Unclear / more
than one answer. |
99 |
No answer |
Var20f |
Below is a list of institutions. Please indicate, in general, how much you trust each of the following (types of) institutions. European Union |
0 |
Not at all |
1 |
Not very |
2 |
Somewhat |
3 |
Quite a bit |
4 |
Very much |
88 |
Unclear / more
than one answer. |
99 |
No answer |
Var20g |
Below is a list of institutions. Please indicate, in general, how much you trust each of the following (types of) institutions. Transnational
Corporations |
0 |
Not at all |
1 |
Not very |
2 |
Somewhat |
3 |
Quite a bit |
4 |
Very much |
88 |
Unclear / more
than one answer. |
99 |
No answer |
Var20h |
Below is a list of institutions. Please indicate, in general, how much you trust each of the following (types of) institutions. Banks/Financial
Institutions |
0 |
Not at all |
1 |
Not very |
2 |
Somewhat |
3 |
Quite a bit |
4 |
Very much |
88 |
Unclear / more
than one answer. |
99 |
No answer |
Var21a |
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Most politicians make a lot of promises but do not actually do anything. |
0 |
disagree |
1 |
Disagree |
2 |
Neither |
3 |
Agree |
4 |
Strongly agree |
88 |
Unclear / more
than one answer. |
99 |
No answer |
Var21b |
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? I don�t see the use of voting, parties do whatever they want anyway. |
0 |
disagree |
1 |
Disagree |
2 |
Neither |
3 |
Agree |
4 |
Strongly agree |
88 |
Unclear / more
than one answer. |
99 |
No answer |
Var21c |
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? My participation can have an impact on public policy in this country. |
0 |
disagree |
1 |
Disagree |
2 |
Neither |
3 |
Agree |
4 |
Strongly agree |
88 |
Unclear / more
than one answer. |
99 |
No answer |
Var21d |
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Organized groups of citizens can have a lot of impact on public policies in this country. |
0 |
disagree |
1 |
Disagree |
2 |
Neither |
3 |
Agree |
4 |
Strongly agree |
88 |
Unclear / more
than one answer. |
99 |
No answer |
Var21e |
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? If citizens from different countries join forces, they can have a lot of impact on international politics. |
0 |
disagree |
1 |
Disagree |
2 |
Neither |
3 |
Agree |
4 |
Strongly agree |
88 |
Unclear / more
than one answer. |
99 |
No answer |
Var21f |
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? I consider everybody�s side of an argument before making a decision. |
0 |
disagree |
1 |
Disagree |
2 |
Neither |
3 |
Agree |
4 |
Strongly agree |
88 |
Unclear / more
than one answer. |
99 |
No answer |
Var22a |
Please rank (1 -most important to
4 -least important) the following levels by importance for solving the
majority of contemporary problems. (Note: Please do not use the same
number more than once). Community |
Type in answer; |
88 |
Unintelligible |
99 |
No answer |
Var22b |
Please rank (1 -most important to
4 -least important) the following levels by importance for solving the
majority of contemporary problems. (Note: Please do not use the same
number more than once). National |
Type in answer; |
88 |
Unintelligible |
99 |
No answer |
Var22c |
Please rank (1 -most important to
4 -least important) the following levels by importance for solving the
majority of contemporary problems. (Note: Please do not use the same
number more than once). Sub-national/state-level |
Type in answer; |
88 |
Unintelligible |
99 |
No answer |
Var22d |
Please rank (1 -most important to
4 -least important) the following levels by importance for solving the
majority of contemporary problems. (Note: Please do not use the same
number more than once). International/Global |
Type in answer; |
88 |
Unintelligible |
99 |
No answer |
Var23 |
Do you think it is a good or bad idea to have a democratic world government? Check one. |
0 |
Good idea, and it�s possible |
1 |
Good idea, but not possible |
2 |
Bad idea, and it�s possible |
3 |
Bad idea, and not possible |
88 |
Unclear / more
than one answer. |
99 |
No answer |
Var24a |
In the long run, what do you think should be done about these existing global institutions (Check one for each institution): The IMF (International Monetary Fund). |
0 |
Reform |
1 |
Replace |
2 |
Abolish |
3 |
Do nothing |
88 |
Unclear / more
than one answer. |
99 |
No answer |
Var24b |
In the long run, what do you think should be done about these existing global institutions (Check one for each institution): The World Bank. |
0 |
Reform |
1 |
Replace |
2 |
Abolish |
3 |
Do nothing |
88 |
Unclear / more
than one answer. |
99 |
No answer |
Var24c |
In the long run, what do you think should be done about these existing global institutions (Check one for each institution): The WTO (World Trade Organization). |
0 |
Reform |
1 |
Replace |
2 |
Abolish |
3 |
Do nothing |
88 |
Unclear / more
than one answer. |
99 |
No answer |
Var24d |
In the long run, what do you think should be done about these existing global institutions (Check one for each institution): The UN (United Nations). |
0 |
Reform |
1 |
Replace |
2 |
Abolish |
3 |
Do nothing |
88 |
Unclear / more
than one answer. |
99 |
No answer |
Var25 |
Do you support the
idea of global citizenship? Check one. |
0 |
It is a bad idea.������� |
1 |
It is a good idea, but it is
not likely to ever exist |
2 |
It is a good idea, and may
exist someday |
3 |
I am already a global
citizen.� |
99 |
No answer |
Var26 |
In favor of
reparations? |
0 |
No |
1 |
Yes |
2 |
Indifferent |
3 |
Chose more
than one answer. |
99 |
No answer |
Var27 |
Favor quotas for
women�s political representation |
0 |
No |
1 |
Yes |
2 |
Indifferent |
3 |
Chose more
than one answer. |
99 |
No answer |
Var28 |
In support of
women�s rights on abortion? |
0 |
No/never |
1 |
Yes, under all
circumstances |
2 |
depends |
3 |
Indifferent |
4 |
Chose more
than one answer. |
99 |
No answer |
Part III: Demographics
Var29 |
Gender |
0 |
�Female |
1 |
Male |
2 |
Other (Write in �comments� column at the very end of the
data matrix) |
99 |
No answer |
Var30 |
Birth Year � |
Type in answers (four digits) |
88 |
Unintelligible |
99 |
No answer |
�Var31a |
Race |
0 |
Black |
1 |
Middle Eastern |
2 |
South Asian |
3 |
Indigenous |
4 |
Latino/Hispanic |
5 |
East Asian |
6 |
White |
7 |
Pacific Islander |
8 |
Multiracial |
9 |
Other |
10 |
Answered human/none for� �other� |
88 |
Unclear answer or difficult to code |
99 |
Decline to Answer/No Answer |
If multiple boxes� are checked, code as
��multiracial� (8) and then write in the boxes they checked for 31aa
"Decline to answer" is 99
*If 8 for Var31a, type out answer in Var34a; otherwise, leave blank.�
�Va31aa |
Type in answers; |
88 |
Unintelligible |
99 |
No answer |
Note: Only use 99 for 31aa if they choose the multi-racial box, but do not specify their racial identities; leave this blank if it doesn�t apply to this respondent.
�Var31ab |
Code |
Type in code based on assigned
code list (this still
needs to be created, so leave this blank for now). |
88 |
Unintelligible |
99 |
No answer |
Note: Only use 99 for 31ab if they choose the multi-racial box, but do not specify their racial identities; leave this blank if it doesn�t apply to this respondent.
*If 9 for Var31a, type out answers in Var 31ac
Var31ac |
Race-Other |
Type in answers; |
88 |
Unintelligible |
99 |
No answer |
Note: Only use 99 for 31ac if they choose the other-racial box, but do not specify their racial identity; leave this blank if it doesn�t apply to this respondent.
Var31ad |
Race-Other: Code |
Leave blank for now; we have to create this code. |
88 |
Unintelligible |
99 |
No answer |
Note: Only use 99 for 31ad if they choose the other-racial box, but do not specify their racial identity; leave this blank if it doesn�t apply to this respondent.
�Var31b |
Ethnicity |
Type in answers |
88 |
Unintelligible |
99 |
No answer |
Question 32
Var32 |
What country were
you born in? |
Type in answers; |
88 |
Unintelligible |
99 |
No answer |
Question 33a
Var33a |
City: Where do
you currently live? |
Type in answers; |
88 |
Unintelligible |
99 |
No answer |
Question 33b
Var33b |
Country: Where do
you currently live? |
Type in answers; |
88 |
Unintelligible |
99 |
No answer |
Var34 |
orientation |
0 |
Heterosexual |
1 |
Homosexual |
2 |
Bisexual |
3 |
Queer |
4 |
Other |
5 |
Decline to answer |
99 |
No answer |
Var34a |
sexual orientation |
Write out respondents answer |
Var35a |
Marital status:
single |
0 |
No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Comment: Only use 99 if no boxes are checked for 35.
Var35b |
Marital status:
separated |
0 |
No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Comment: Only use 99 if no boxes are checked for 35.
Var35c |
Marital status:
divorced |
0 |
No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Comment: Only use 99 if no boxes are checked for 35.
Var35d |
Marital status:
widower |
0 |
No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Comment: Only use 99 if no boxes are checked for 35.
Var35e |
Marital status:
married |
0 |
No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Comment: Only use 99 if no boxes are checked for 35.
Var35f |
Marital status: cohabitating |
0 |
No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Comment: Only use 99 if no boxes are checked for 35.
�Var36 |
Custody of children
<18 � |
Type in answers |
88 |
Unintelligible |
99 |
No answer |
Var37 |
On a scale from 1
to 7, how important is religion and/or church in your life? |
1 |
Extremely Religious |
2 |
needs to be created |
3 |
needs to be created |
4 |
needs to be created |
5 |
needs to be created |
6 |
needs to be created |
7 |
Extremely Non Religious |
8 |
(checked box or specified other) |
9 |
religious beliefs (more than one box is checked) |
99 |
answer |
Question 38
Var38 |
Which of the
following best describes your religious beliefs?� Check one. |
0 |
Protestant |
1 |
Catholic |
2 |
Christian |
3 |
Christian |
4 |
Buddhist |
5 |
Jewish |
6 |
Hindu |
7 |
Islamic |
8 |
Spiritual |
9 |
Agnostic |
10 |
Atheist |
11 |
Other |
99 |
No answer |
*If 2 for Var38, type out answers in Var 38a
Var38a |
Other Christian |
Type in answers; |
88 |
Unintelligible |
99 |
No answer |
Note: Only use 99 for 38c if they choose the other-racial box, but do not specify their racial identity; leave this blank if it doesn�t apply to this respondent.
Var38b |
Other Christian:
Code |
Leave blank for now; we have to create this code. |
88 |
Unintelligible |
99 |
No answer |
Note: Only use 99 for 38b if they choose the other-Christian box, but do not specify their denomination; leave this blank if it doesn�t apply to this respondent.
*If 11 for Var38, type out answers in Var 38c
Var38c |
Other religion |
Type in answers; |
88 |
Unintelligible |
99 |
No answer |
Note: Only use 99 for 38c if they choose the other-religion box, but do not specify their religion; leave this blank if it doesn�t apply to this respondent.
Var38d |
Other religion:
Code |
Leave blank for now; we have to create this code. |
88 |
Unintelligible |
99 |
No answer |
Note: Only use 99 for 38b if they choose the other-Christian box, but do not specify their denomination; leave this blank if it doesn�t apply to this respondent.
Var39a |
status: Full Time |
0 |
No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Comment: Only use 99 if no boxes are checked for 39.
Var39b |
status: Part Time |
0 |
No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Comment: Only use 99 if no boxes are checked for 39.
Var39c |
status: Temporary |
0 |
No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Comment: Only use 99 if no boxes are checked for 39.
Var39d |
status: Self-employed |
0 |
No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Comment: Only use 99 if no boxes are checked for 39.
Var39e |
status: Unemployed |
0 |
No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Comment: Only use 99 if no boxes are checked for 39.
Var39f |
status: Retired |
0 |
No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Comment: Only use 99 if no boxes are checked for 39.
Var39g |
status: Student |
0 |
No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Comment: Only use 99 if no boxes are checked for 39.
Var39h |
status: Dependant on Family |
0 |
No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Comment: Only use 99 if no boxes are checked for 39.
Var39i |
status: Investment/Savings |
0 |
No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Comment: Only use 99 if no boxes are checked for 39.
Var39j |
status: Volunteer |
0 |
No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Comment: Only use 99 if no boxes are checked for 39.
�(40) How would you describe your current situation in terms of social class?
Var40 |
Class Identity |
0 |
Upper class |
1 |
Upper middle class |
2 |
Lower middle class |
3 |
Working class |
4 |
Lower class |
88 |
Unclear / more than one answer. |
99 |
No answer |
(41a) How many people live in your household?� ____________________
Var41a |
Household size |
����������� 0-98 |
�Number written down |
������������ 99 |
No answer or illegible |
(41b) In which of these groups did your approximate annual income fall?� That is, before taxes and other deductions.��
Var41ba |
Household Income |
0 |
None-14,999 |
1 |
$15,000-20,000 |
2 |
$21,000-$39,000 |
3 |
$40,000-$51,000 |
4 |
$52,000-63,000 |
5 |
$64,000-100,000 |
6 |
Above $100,000 |
7 |
Refused |
8 |
Not applicable |
88 |
Unclear/illegible answer |
99 |
No answer (no boxes checked) |
Var41bb |
Personal Income |
0 |
None-14,999 |
1 |
$15,000-20,000 |
2 |
$21,000-$39,000 |
3 |
$40,000-$51,000 |
4 |
$52,000-63,000 |
5 |
$64,000-100,000 |
6 |
Above $100,000 |
7 |
Refused |
8 |
Not applicable |
88 |
Unclear/illegible answer |
99 |
No answer (no boxes checked) |
(42). Since
2007, have you personally experienced any of the following? (check all that
Var42a |
Economic Downturn
(Individual): Home Foreclosure |
0 |
No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Comment: Only use 99 if no boxes are checked for 42.
Var42b |
Economic Downturn
(Individual): Eviction |
0 |
No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Comment: Only use 99 if no boxes are checked for 42.
Var42c |
Economic Downturn
(Individual): Changed Home |
0 |
No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Comment: Only use 99 if no boxes are checked for 42.
Var42d |
Economic Downturn
(Individual): Unemployed |
0 |
No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Comment: Only use 99 if no boxes are checked for 42.
Var42e |
Economic Downturn
(Individual): Pay Cut |
0 |
No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Comment: Only use 99 if no boxes are checked for 42.
Var42f |
Economic Downturn
(Individual): Reduced Working Hours |
0 |
No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Comment: Only use 99 if no boxes are checked for 42.
Var42g |
Economic Downturn
(Individual): Increased Working Hours |
0 |
No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Comment: Only use 99 if no boxes are checked for 42.
Var42h |
Economic Downturn
(Individual): Reduced/Skipped Meals |
0 |
No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Comment: Only use 99 if no boxes are checked for 42.
Var43a |
Economic Downturn
(Household): Home Foreclosure |
0 |
No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Comment: Only use 99 if no boxes are checked for 43.
Var43b |
Economic Downturn
(Household): Eviction |
0 |
No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Comment: Only use 99 if no boxes are checked for 43.
Var43c |
Economic Downturn
(Household): Changed Home |
0 |
No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Comment: Only use 99 if no boxes are checked for 43.
Var43d |
Economic Downturn
(Household): Unemployment |
0 |
No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Comment: Only use 99 if no boxes are checked for 43.
Var43e |
Economic Downturn
(Household): Pay Cut |
0 |
No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Comment: Only use 99 if no boxes are checked for 43.
Var43f |
Economic Downturn
(Household): Reduced Working Hours |
0 |
No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Comment: Only use 99 if no boxes are checked for 43.
Var43g |
Economic Downturn
(Household): Increased Working Hours |
0 |
No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Comment: Only use 99 if no boxes are checked for 43.
Var43h |
Economic Downturn
(Household): Reduced/Skipped Meals |
0 |
No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Comment: Only use 99 if no boxes are checked for 43.
(44) What is the highest level of schooling you have completed?
Var44 |
Highest level of school completed |
0 |
Elementary |
1 |
Middle school/junior high |
2 |
Some High school/No Degree |
3 |
High school |
4 |
Some College/no Degree |
5 |
Associate�s Degree |
6 |
Bachelor�s Degree |
7 |
Some Graduate school/no degree |
8 |
Master�s Degree |
9 |
Professional Degree |
10 |
Technical Degree |
11 |
Doctoral Degree |
88 |
Unclear answer or chose more than one |
99 |
No Answer |
Var45 �����Educational degree beyond High School? |
0-No, none of
the boxes are checked for 45a-m; |
1-Yes, one box
is� checked for 45a-m. |
2-Two or
more� boxes are checked for 45a-m. |
answer. |
Var45a��������� Agriculture? |
0-No |
1-Yes |
answer |
Var45b������������ Education |
0-No |
1-Yes |
answer. |
Var45c���������� Natural Sciences |
0-No |
1-Yes |
answer. |
Var45d�������� Social Sciences |
0-No |
1-Yes |
answer. |
Var45e������������� Arts |
0-No |
1-Yes |
answer. |
Var45f��������� Engineering |
0-No |
1-Yes |
88-Unclear /
more than one answer. |
Var45g���������� Mathematics |
0-No |
1-Yes |
88 Unclear
answer. |
Var45h���� ���������Computer |
0-No |
1-Yes |
answer. |
Var45i�������������� �Health |
0-No |
1-Yes |
answer. |
Var45j���������� Law/Legal Studies |
0-No |
1-Yes |
88- Unclear
answer. |
Var45k��������� �Business/ Administrative |
0-No |
1-Yes |
answer. |
Var45l��������� �Languages/Linguistics/Literature |
0-No |
1-Yes |
answer. |
Var45m�������� �Other |
0-No |
1-Yes |
answer. |
Part IV: Movement
Var46 |
Strongly ID or Actively
iN or Int�l Engaged? |
0 |
No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
NOTE: You should indicate 1
if they respondent checked at least one of the boxes in 47 but skipped question
NOTE: Use 99 for questions
47d1-47d30 below if they did not check any box for 46 nor any in 47a,47b, 47c.
ALSO use 99 for questions 47d1-47d30 if they identified �Yes� for item 46, but
did not check any boxes for 47.
Var47a |
Strongly ID with
any movement |
0 |
No, no boxes
are checked in the <47a> column. |
1 |
Yes, at least
one box is checked in the <47a> column. |
99 |
No answer |
NOTE: You should indicate 1
if they respondent checked at least one of the boxes in 47a but skipped question
NOTE: Use 99 for questions
47d1-47d30 below if they did not check any box for 46 nor any in 47a,47b, 47c.
ALSO use 99 for questions 47d1-47d30 if they identified �Yes� for item 46, but
did not check any boxes for 47.
Var47b |
Actively iN in
any movement? |
0 |
No, no boxes
are checked in the <47b> column. |
1 |
Yes, at least
one box is checked in the <47b > column. |
99 |
No answer |
NOTE: You should indicate 1
if they respondent checked at least one of the boxes in 47b but skipped question
NOTE: Use 99 for questions
47d1-47d30 below if they did not check any box for 46 nor any in 47a,47b, 47c.
ALSO use 99 for questions 47d1-47d30 if they identified �Yes� for item 46, but
did not check any boxes for 47.
Var47c |
Int�l Engaged in
any movement? |
0 |
No, no boxes
are checked in the <47c > column. |
1 |
Yes, at least
one box is checked in the <47c > column. |
99 |
No answer |
NOTE: You should indicate 1
if they respondent checked at least one of the boxes in 47c but skipped
question 46.
NOTE: Use 99 for questions
47d1-47d30 below if they did not check any box for 46 nor any in 47a,47b, 47c.
ALSO use 99 for questions 47d1-47d30 if they identified �Yes� for item 46, but
did not check any boxes for 47.
Var47d1 |
Strongly iD:Alternative
media/culture? |
0 |
�No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47e1 |
iN:Alternative media/culture? |
0 |
�No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47f1 |
Int�l Engaged:Alternative
media/culture? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47d2 |
Strongly ID:
anarchist? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47e2 |
Actively iN:
anarchist? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47f2 |
Int�l Engaged:
anarchist? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47d3 |
Strongly ID:
anti-corporate? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47e3 |
Actively iN:
anti-corporate? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47f3 |
Int�l Engaged:
anti-corporate? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47d4 |
Strongly iD:
anti-globalization? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47e4 |
Actively iN:
anti-globalization? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47f4 |
Int�l Engaged:
anti-globalization? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47d5 |
Strongly ID:
antiracism? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47e5 |
Actively iN:
antiracism? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47f5 |
Int�l Engaged:
antiracism? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47d6 |
Strongly ID:
autonomous? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47e6 |
Actively iN:
autonomous? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47f6 |
Int�l Engaged:
autonomous? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47d7 |
Strongly ID:
communist? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47e7 |
Actively iN:
communist? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47f7 |
Int�l Engaged:
communist? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47d8 |
Strongly ID:
Development aid/Economic development? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47e8 |
Actively iN:
Development aid/Economic development? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47f8 |
Int�l Engaged:
Development aid/Economic development? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47d9 |
Strongly ID:
environmental? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47e9 |
Actively iN:
environmental? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47f9 |
Int�l Engaged:
environmental? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47d10 |
Strongly ID: fair
trade/trade justice? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
�Var47e10 |
Actively iN: fair
trade/trade justice? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47f10 |
Int�l Engaged:
fair trade/trade justice? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47d11 |
Strongly ID: food
rights/slow food? |
0 |
�No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47e11 |
Actively iN: food
rights/slow food? |
0 |
�No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47f11 |
Engaged Int�l:
food rights/slow food? |
0 |
�No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47d12 |
Strongly iD: gay/lesbian/ bisexual/transgender/queer
rights? |
0 |
�No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47e12 |
Actively iN:
gay/lesbian/ bisexual/ transgender/queer rights? |
0 |
�No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47f12 |
Int�l Engaged:
gay/lesbian/ bisexual/ transgender/queer rights? |
0 |
�No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47d13 |
Strongly iD:
global justice / alternative globalization? |
0 |
�No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
�Var47e13 |
Actively iN:
global justice / alternative globalization? |
0 |
�No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47f13 |
Int�l Engaged: global
justice / alternative globalization? |
0 |
�No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47d14 |
Strongly ID:health/HIV? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47e14 |
Actively iN:
health/HIV? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47f14 |
Int�l Engaged:
health/HIV? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47d15 |
Strongly ID:
housing rights? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47e15 |
Actively iN:
housing ��rights? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47f15 |
Int�l Engaged:
housing� rights? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47d16 |
Strongly ID:
human rights? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47e16 |
Actively iN:
human rights? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47f16 |
Int�l Engaged:
human rights? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47d17 |
Strongly ID:
indigenous? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47e17 |
Actively iN:
indigenous? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47f17 |
Int�l Engaged:
indigenous? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47d18 |
Strongly iD:
jobless workers/ welfare rights? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47e18 |
Actively iN:
jobless workers/welfare rights? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47f18 |
Int�l Engaged:
jobless workers/ welfare rights? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47d19 |
Strongly ID:labor? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47e19 |
Actively iN:
labor? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47f19 |
Int�l Engaged:
labor? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47d20 |
Strongly ID:
migrant/immigrant rights? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47e20 |
Actively iN:
migrant/immigrant rights? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47f20 |
Int�l Engaged:
migrant/ immigrant rights? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47d21 |
Strongly ID:
national sovereignty/national liberation? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47e21 |
Actively iN:
national sovereignty/ national liberation? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47f21 |
Int�l Engaged:
national sovereignty/ national liberation? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47d22 |
Strongly ID:
open-source/ intellectual property rights? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47e22 |
Actively iN:
open-source/intellectual property rights? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47f22 |
Int�l Engaged:
open-source/ intellectual property rights? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47d23 |
Strongly ID:peace/anti-war? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47e23 |
Actively iN:
peace/anti-war? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47f23 |
Int�l Engaged:
peace/anti-war? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47d24 |
Strongly ID:
peasant/ farmers/landless/land-reform? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47e24 |
Actively iN:
peasant/ farmers/landless/land-reform? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47f24 |
Int�l Engaged:
peasant/ farmers/landless/land-reform? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47d25 |
Strongly ID:
religious/spiritual? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47e25 |
Actively iN:
religious/spiritual? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47f25 |
Int�l Engaged:
religious/spiritual? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47d26 |
Strongly ID:
socialist? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47e26 |
Actively iN:
socialist? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47f26 |
Int�l Engage:
socialist? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47d27 |
Strongly ID:
women�s/feminist? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47e27 |
Actively iN:
women�s/feminist? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47f27 |
Int�l Engaged:
women�s/feminist? |
0 |
�no |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47d28 |
Strongly ID:
other? |
0 |
�No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47e28 |
Actively iN:
other? |
0 |
�No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47f28 |
Int�l Engaged:
other? |
0 |
�No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No answer |
Var47d29 |
Strongly ID:
other what |
Type in
answer(s). 99=no
answer; 88=completely unintelligible |
Note: only use 99 if they marked the �other� box but did not specify the movement.
Var47d30 |
Strongly ID:
other what code |
Use assigned
code list; this needs to be created, so leave it blank for now. 99=no
answer; 88=completely unintelligible |
Note: only use 99 if they marked the �other� box but did not specify the movement.
Var47e29 |
Actively iN:
other what |
Type in
answer(s). 99=no answer;
88=completely unintelligible |
Note: only use 99 if they marked the �other� box but did not specify the movement.
Var47e30 |
Actively iN:
other what code |
Use assigned
code list; this needs to be created, so leave it blank for now. 99=no
answer; 88=completely
unintelligible |
Note: only use 99 if they marked the �other� box but did not specify the movement.
Var47f29 |
Int�l Engaged:
other what |
Type in
answer(s). 99=no answer;
88=completely unintelligible |
Var47f30 |
Int�l Engaged:
other what code |
Use assigned
code list; this needs to be created, so leave it blank for now. 99=no
answer; 88=completely
unintelligible |
Var48 |
Part of Global
Social Movement |
0 |
No |
1 |
Yes |
99 |
No Answer |
Var49 |
If yes to Q48, what are the main goals of this (global social) movement? |
Type in answers; |
1 |
Don�t know |
88 |
Unintelligible |
99 |
No answer |
Var50 |
Do you have any suggestions for improving the social
forum? Please write below: |
Type in answers; |
0 |
No |
1 |
Yes |
88 |
Unintelligible |
99 |
No answer |