Survey #:_________  Date: ___________

The University of California-Riverside (UCR) Research Working Group on Transnational Social Movements, in collaboration with the US Social Forum’s National Planning Committee, is conducting this survey of participants in the 2010 United States Social Forum (USSF). The aim of the survey is to help organizers evaluate the effectiveness of their work to convene the USSF and to learn more about the characteristics of people that participate in the Forum, their beliefs, and their involvement in social movements. The survey contributes to the USSF’s goal of advancing movement-building in the United States by helping activists to understand the interconnections between different progressive movements. (More details on the study are available at the USSF’s website and on our UCR research website We would appreciate if you could take time to complete and return this survey to the person who gave it to you. Your personal identity will be kept confidential in any findings we report. Thank you.


I. Political Participation:


(1a)  How did you find out about the 2010 United States Social Forum? Check all that apply.

o Radio or television

o Newspaper(s) (print or online)

o Alternative online media

o Advertisement, flyers, and/or posters

o Family member and/or partner

o Friends and/or acquaintances

o People at your school or work

o (Fellow) members of an organization or association

o Online social networks (e.g. Facebook, Twitter)


 (1b)Which of the above information channels was the most important? (Please circle the box of the most important information source in item 1a above) 


(2) Indicate the number of each kind of social forum meetings that you have attended in the past:

___Local;    ___Regional;    ___Thematic;   ___2007 USSF;  ___Other National Forum;

___Polycentric;        ___ World (Global) o This is my first Social Forum meeting


(3) What are your reasons for attending the U.S. Social Forum? Check all that apply.

o Organize, plan actions, or carry out joint initiatives

o Network, meet people, or join a group

o Recruit new members        

o Learn about the issues and share information          

o Learn about other cultures or enjoy the cultural performances

o Document it or cover the story

o Work                  o Research                  o Help with interpreting

o Get inspiration     o Fun or leisure           o Other, please specify_____________


(4) In the list of the organizations below, please indicate whether you are a member, paid staff, leader, and/or representing your group at the USSF.  Check all that apply.                                                        

                                           I am a…member          paid staff               leader        representative at the USSF

Labor union(s)/organization(s)                      o                     o                     o                     o

Non-governmental organization(s)                o                     o                     o                     o

Government agency(ies)                  o                     o                     o                     o

Cultural group(s)                                          o                     o                     o                     o

Professional association(s)                o                     o                     o                     o

Political party(ies)                                        o                     o                     o                     o

Media organization(s)                      o                     o                     o                     o

Social or recreational group(s)                      o                     o                     o                     o

Religious institution(s)/movement(s)  o                     o                     o                     o

Social movement/political organization          o                     o                     o                     o

Other, please specify________________  o                      o                     o                     o


(5a) How often do you contact someone outside of the United States for political purposes?

o Very frequently    o Frequently    oSometimes    o Rarely          o Never


(5b) From what country or countries are the contacts referred to in (5a)



(6) What forms of online technologies and tools do you use for activist/political purposes? Check all that apply.

o Collaboration technologies (e.g., Wikis, Google Apps)

o Communication technologies (e.g., Email, Blogs, Twitter, Discussion boards)

o Multimedia sharing technologies (e.g., Flickr, YouTube)

o Social networking technologies (e.g., Facebook, LinkedIn)

o Other, please specify_______________________

o None


(7) Please list the top three political/activist groups in which you’re involved.

Name of group one: _____________________________________________________________

Name of group two: _____________________________________________________________

Name of group three: ____________________________________________________________


(8) In the last 12 months, about how many hours per week on average did you spend on your political activities?

(total number)_________


 (9a) In the last 12 months, how many public protests or demonstrations did you participate in?

(total number) _____


(9b) In your lifetime, about how many public protests or demonstrations did you participate in?

o None      o 1-5              o 6-10                        o 11-20          o 21 or more


(10) There are many things people can do to prevent or promote change. Have you, in the past 12 months…?

                                                                                                                                      Yes    No

…contacted a politician, government, or local government official?                  o  o

…signed a petition/public letter?                                                                                 o  o

…donated money to a political organization or group?                                                o  o

…boycotted certain products?                                                                                   o  o

…deliberately bought products for political, ethical or environmental reasons?             o  o

…worn or displayed a campaign badge/sticker?                                                         o  o

…joined a strike?                                                                                                     o  o

…taken part in direct action (such as blockade, occupation, civil disobedience)? o o

…used violent forms of action (against property or people)?                           o  o


(11) How has the economic crisis affected the work of your political organization(s)? Check all that apply.

o We lost material resources (funding, office space, paid staff time, etc.)

o We gained material resources (funding, office space, paid staff time, etc.)

o We spend more time or resources on providing for the material needs of our members

o Our political goals or priorities shifted towards issues related to the crisis

o We shifted how we talk about the issues we work on to link them to the economic crisis

o Membership participation has increased (via membership gains and/or increased participation by existing members)

o Membership participation has declined (via membership losses and/or less participation by existing members)

o We cooperate more closely with other organizations or shifted the kinds of organizations we work with

o Don’t know

o Other, please specify _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



II. Political Opinions


(12)  How proud are you to be from your country of residence?

o Not proud at all  o Not very proud      o Quite proud      o Very proud                             

o Don’t know                o No answer


(13)  How much do you trust people from other countries?  Could you tell us whether you trust people from other nations completely, somewhat, not very much, or not at all? 

o Not trust at all      o Not trust very much      o Trust a little      o Trust completely                                

o Don’t know            o No answer


(14)  Many people have said the potential for significant, positive social change is now greater, during the administration of Barack Obama, than it has been in the past. When you think about the potential for significant, positive social change now, as compared to two years ago, do you think that that the potential for this change is now:

o Much less o Less        o The same      o Greater o Much greater                                     



(15) In general, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the functioning of democracy in your country?

Very dissatisfied                                                                 Very satisfied                    Don’t know

o 1     o 2    o 3   o 4      o 5      o 6      o 7      o 8      o 9      o 10                            o


 (16) Which of the following best describes your political views?

Far left                Center                        Far right

o 1    o 2  o 3      o 4      o 5      o 6      o 7


(17a) With which party do you most closely identify right now? 



(17b) How closely do you identify with this party?

o Not very close     o Quite close               o Very close


(18) Do you think we need to reform capitalism or abolish it? Check one.

o Reform it             o Abolish it                 o Neither


(19) To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?


Strongly disagree



Strongly agree

Government should redistribute income from the better off to those who are less well off.





Children should be taught to obey authority.





Even the most important public services and industries are best left to private enterprise.





People from other countries should be allowed to come to my country and live here permanently if they want to.






(20)  Below is a list of institutions. Please indicate, in general, how much you trust each of the following (types of) institutions.

                                                Not at all          Not very         Somewhat          Quite a bit      Very much

National government                        o     o     o     o     o

U.S. Congress                                o     o     o     o     o

Political parties                                o     o     o     o     o

Trade unions                                   o     o     o     o     o

Judicial system                                 o     o     o     o     o

European Union                              o     o     o     o     o

Transnational corporations   o     o     o     o     o

Banks/financial institutions    o     o     o     o     o


(21) To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?


Strongly disagree




Strongly agree

Most politicians make a lot of promises but do not actually do anything.






I don’t see the use of voting, parties do whatever they want anyway.






My participation can have an impact on public policy in this country.






Organized groups of citizens can have a lot of impact on public policies in this country.






If citizens from different countries join forces, they can have a lot of impact on international politics.






I consider everybody’s side of an argument before making a decision.







 (22) Please rank (1 -most important to 4 -least important) the following levels by importance for solving the majority of contemporary problems.  (Note: Please do not use the same number more than once).

____ Community                 ____ Sub-national/state-level

____ National                      ____ International/Global


(23) Do you think it is a good or bad idea to have a democratic world government? Check one.

o Good idea, and it is possible        o Good idea, but not possible

o Bad idea, and it is possible           o Bad idea, and not possible


(24) In the long run, what do you think should be done about these existing global institutions (Check one for each institution):

The IMF (International Monetary Fund):      The WTO (World Trade Organization):

o Reform    o Abolish                    o Reform        o Abolish

o Replace   o Do Nothing                          o Replace       o Do Nothing

The World Bank:                                         The UN (United Nations):

o Reform    o Abolish                                o Reform        o Abolish

o Replace   o Do Nothing              o Replace       o Do Nothing


(25) Do you support the idea of global citizenship? Check one.

o It is a bad idea.                                                    o It is a good idea, but it is not likely to ever exist. 

o It is a good idea, and may exist someday.             o I am already a global citizen. 


 (26) Do you favor reparations for groups of people adversely affected by slavery, colonialism, and racism in order to ensure that they will have better opportunities? Check one.

 o No             o Yes            o Indifferent


(27) Should political parties and governments use quotas to ensure that women are better represented within political institutions? Check one.

o No              o Yes            o Indifferent


(28) Do you support a woman’s right to abortion? Check one.

o Yes, under all circumstances        o Sometimes (it depends on the circumstances)

o No/never                         o Indifferent



III. Demographics:


(29) What is your gender? Check one. 

o Female       o Male          o Other, please specify__________________________


 (30) What year were you born?  19________


(31a) What is your race? Check one.

o Black                  o Middle Eastern         o South Asian           

o Indigenous           o Latino/Hispanic        o East Asian             

o White                  o Pacific Islander         o Decline to answer

o Multiracial, please specify ______________________________________________

o Other, please specify___________________________________________________


(31b) What is your ethnicity? _____________________________


(32) Which country were you born in? ___________________________


(33) Where do you currently live?    City _____________________Country _________________________


(34) What is your sexual orientation? Check all that apply.

o Heterosexual          o Homosexual           o Bisexual                  o Queer        

o Other, please specify________________________________   o Decline to answer


(35) What is your current marital status? Check all that apply.

o Single      o Separated    o Divorced      o Widower     o Married       o Cohabiting


(36) How many children under 18 do you have custody of?  _______


 (37) On a scale from 1 to 7, how important is religion and/or church in your life?

Very important                                                       Very unimportant

o 1             o 2        o 3   o 4      o 5      o 6      o 7


(38) Which of the following best describes your religious beliefs? Check one.

o Protestant            o Catholic       o Other Christian, please specify denomination _______________ 

o Non-denominational Christian  o Buddhist          o Jewish          o Hindu     o Islamic   

o Spiritual (no specific religion)   o Agnostic     o Atheist  

o Other, please specify____________


(39) What is your current employment status? Check all that apply.

o Employed full-time (at least 35 hours per week)   o Employed part-time

o Employed on a temporary basis                                       o Self-employed

o Unemployed                                                                    o Retired                                           

o Student                                                                           o Dependent on family income           

o Live from investments or savings                          o Volunteer


(40) How would you describe your current situation in terms of social class?

o Upper class            o Upper middle class o Lower middle class

o Working class        o Lower class


(41a) How many people live in your household?  ____________________


(41b) In which of these groups does your approximate annual income fall?  That is, before taxes and other deductions.  

                                                Total Household          Personal

None-$14,999             o        o

$15,000-$20,000         o        o

$21,000-$39,000         o        o

$40,000-$51,000         o        o

$52,000-$63,000         o        o

$64,000-$100,000       o        o

Above $100,000          o        o

Refused                        o        o

Not applicable              o        o


(42). Since 2007, have you personally experienced any of the following? Check all that apply.  

o Home Foreclosure           o Unemployment         o Reduction in work hours      

o Eviction                           o Pay cut                    o Increase in work hours

o Changed homes to reduce expenses                     o Reduced or skipped meals


(43). Since 2007, have any of your family members, including members of your extended family, personally experienced any of the following? Check all that apply.                                        

o Home Foreclosure           oUnemployment          o Reduction in work hours      

o Eviction                           o Pay cut                    o Increase in work hours

o Changed homes to reduce expenses                     o Reduced or skipped meals

(44) What is the highest level of schooling you have completed? 

o Elementary                      o Middle school/junior high                  o Some High school/No Degree         

o High school                     o Some college/no degree                   o Associate’s Degree  

o Bachelor’s Degree           o Some graduate school/no degree      o Master’s Degree

o Professional Degree         o Technical Degree                             o Doctoral Degree     

 (45) If you have an educational degree beyond high school, in what subject(s)? Check all that apply.

o Agriculture          o Education                 o Natural Sciences      o Social Sciences 

o Arts                    o Engineering              o Mathematics            o Computers             

o Health                 o Law/Legal Studies    o Business/Administrative

o Languages/Linguistics/Literature               o Other, please specify ____________________________

IV. Movement Identification:

(46) Do you strongly identify with, or are you actively involved in, any social movements?

o No              o Yes

àIf your answer to 46 was “no,” please skip to question # 48.

     (47) Below is a list of movements. Please check if the movement is one in which you (a) strongly identify, (b) are actively involved in, and/or (c) are engaged internationally. Check all that apply.

(a) strongly      (b) actively      (c) engaged

                             identify             involved         internationally

1. Alternative media/culture                                      o     o     o

2. Anarchist                                                             o     o     o

3. Anti-corporate                                                    o     o     o

4. Anti-globalization                                                 o     o     o    

5. Antiracism                                                                       o                     o     o  

6. Autonomous                                                                    o     o     o

7. Communist                                                                      o     o     o

8. Development aid/Economic development                          o     o     o

9. Environmental                                                                  o     o     o

10. Fair Trade/Trade Justice                                                o     o     o

11. Food rights/Slow Food                                                  o     o     o

12. Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender/Queer Rights            o     o     o

13. Global justice/Alternative globalization                o     o     o

14. Health/HIV                                                                    o     o     o

15. Housing rights/anti-eviction/squatters                  o                     o     o

16. Human Rights                                                                o     o     o

17. Indigenous                                                                     o     o     o

18. Jobless workers/welfare rights                                        o     o     o

19. Labor                                                                            o     o     o

20. Migrant/immigrant rights                                     o     o     o

21. National Sovereignty/National Liberation            o     o     o

22. Open-Source/Intellectual Property Rights                       o     o     o

23. Peace/Anti-war                                                              o     o     o

24. Peasant/Farmers/Landless/Land-reform                          o     o     o

25. Religious/Spiritual                                                           o     o     o

26. Socialist                                                             o     o     o

27. Women's/Feminist                                                          o     o     o

28. Other(s), please specify _________________               o     o     o

(48) Do you consider yourself to be part of a global social movement?

o No          o Yes

(49) If you do consider yourself to be part of a global social movement, what are the main goals of this movement? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


(50) Do you have any suggestions for improving the social forum? Please write below:



We appreciate you taking the time to complete this survey. Please return it to the person who gave it to you when you are finished. Or to send the completed survey:

Institute for Research on World-Systems

College Building South

University of California-Riverside

Riverside, CA. 92521 USA