The Historical Evolution of the International Political Economy Editor: Christopher Chase-Dunn
Professor of Sociology
Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, MD. 21218 USA
Library of International Political Economy
Table of Contents
Two Volumes
Volume I.
Introduction: the historical evolution of international political economies Christopher Chase-Dunn (15)
Part I: Classics
Kenneth Boulding, "The city as an element in the international system, " Daedalus Fall, 1968. (6)
Arnold Toynbee, "Anarchy by treaty, 1648-1967: a commentary on the documentary record" pp. xiii-xxix in Fred L Israel (ed.) Major Peace Treaties of Modern HIstory, 1648-1967. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1967. (11)
Karl Polanyi, "The economy as instituted process," Pp. 243-270 in Trade and Market in the Early Empires edited by Karl Polanyi, Conrad Arensberg and Harry Pearson, New York: The Free Press, 1957. (27)
Morton Fried 1952. "Land Tenure, Geography and Ecology in the Contact of Cultures." American Journal of Economics and Sociology 11:4(July):391412.
Andre Gunder Frank, "The development of underdevelopment" Monthly Review September 1966.(18)
Wallerstein, Immanuel. 1974a. "The Rise and Future Demise of the World Capitalist System: Concepts for Comparative Analysis." Comparative Studies in Society and History 16:4(Sept.):387415, also in Wallerstein (1979:Ch.1).
Part II: Long Term Continuities and Changes In International Political Economies
Eleanor Leacock. "Women's status in egalitarian society: implications for social evolution" Current Anthropology 19,2, June,1978.
Robert L. Carneiro "Political expansion as an expression of the principle of competitive exclusion," Pp. 205-223 in Ronald Cohen and Elman R. Service (eds.) The Origins of the State: The Anthropology of Political Evolution Philadelphia: Institute for the Study of Human Issues, 1978. (18)
Marshall Sahlins, "The segmentary lineage: an organization of predatory expansion" American Anthropologist 63:322-45, 1961. (23)
[ Randall Collins, "The geopolitical and economic world-systems of kinship-based and agrarian-coercive societies" Review 15,3:373-388. 1992. (15)
George Modelski, "Kautilya: foreign policy and international system in the ancient Hindu world" American Political Science Review 53,3:549-560, 1964. (11)
Kasja Ekholm and Jonathan Friedman, "'Capital ' imperialism and exploitation in the ancient world-systems." Review 6:87-110, 1982.(23)
David Wilkinson, "Central Civilization," Comparative Civilizations Review 17:31-59,1987. (28)
Richard Blanton and Gary Feinman "The Mesoamerican world-system" American Anthropologist 86:673-692, 1984. (19)
William R. Thompson, "Comparing world systems: systemic leadership succession and the Peloponnesian war case" (25)
Jane Schneider, "Was there a precapitalist world-system?" Peasant Studies 6,1:20-29, 1977. (9)
Samir Amin, "The ancient world-systems versus the modern capitalist world-system," Review 14:349-385, 1991. (36)
Andre Gunder Frank and Barry K. Gills, "The five thousand year world system: an interdisciplinary introduction," Humboldt Journal of Social Relations 18,1:1-79, 1992.(79)
Janet Abu-Lughod "The shape of the world-system in the thirteenth century" Studies in Comparative International Development 22:3-25, 1987. (22)
Christopher Chase-Dunn, "Comparing world-systems: toward a theory of semiperipheral development" Comparative Civilizations Review. 19:29-66 (Fall),1988. (37)
Ferguson, R. Brian. 1990. "Blood of the Leviathan: Western Contact and Warfare in Amazonia." American Ethnologist 17:2(May):237257.
Hall, Thomas D. 1986. "Incorporation in the WorldSystem: Toward A Critique." American Sociological Review 51 (June):390402.
Part III. States and Capitalism
Frederic Lane "The economic meaning of war and protection," Journal of Social Philosophy and Jurisprudence 7,3, April 1942. (16)
Immanuel Wallerstein, "Three paths to national development in sixteenth century Europe" Studies in Comparative International Development 7,95-101 (Summer), 1977. (6)
Randall Collins, " Max Weber's last theory of capitalism" American Sociological Review 45, 1980. (25)
Joshua Goldstein, "Long waves in production, war and inflation". Journal of Conflict Resolution 31,4,1987.[
John D. Stephens 1989 "Democratic transition and breakdown in Europe, 1870-1939: a test of the Moore hypothesis" American Journal of Sociology 94,5 March, 1989
Volume II
Part IV. Hierarchy and Dependence
Osvaldo Sunkel "Transnational capitalism and national disintegration in Latin America" Social and Economic Studies 22,1:132-176 (March) 1973.(44)
Volker Bornschier, Christopher Chase-Dunn and Richard Rubinson, "Crossnational evidence of the effects of foreign investment and aid on economic growth and inequality: a survey of findings and a reanalysis." American Journal of Sociology 84,3:651-683,1978.(32)
Peter Evans, "Predatory, developmental and other apparatuses: a comparative political economy perspective on the Third World state," Sociological Forum 4,4:561-87, December, 1989.
Jeff Freiden, "Third World indebted industrialization: international finance and state capitalism in Mexico, Brazil, Algeria and South Korea," International Organization 35,3:407-431 (Summer) 1981.(24)
Bruce Cumings "The origins and development of the Northeast Asian political economy: industrial sectors, product cycles and political consequences." International Organization 38,1:1-40 (Winter), 1984. (40)
Ulrich Pfister and Christian Suter "International financial relations as part of the world system" International Studies Quarterly 31,3:239-72,1987.(43)
Cornelius P. Terlouw "World-system theory and regional geography" Tijdschrift voor economishche en social geografie 80,4:206-221, 1989. (15)
Walter L. Goldfrank "Who rules the world?: class formation at the international level" Quarterly Journal of Ideology 1,2:32-37, 1977.(5)
Part V. The Rise and Fall of Great Powers
Jonathan Friedman, "Civilizational cycles and the history of primitivism" Social Analysis: Journal of Cultural and Social Practice 14:31-52 (December) 1983. (22)
George Modelski, "Long cycles of global politics and the nation state" Comparative Studies in Society and History 20,2:214-238, 1978.(24)
Immanuel Wallerstein, "The three instances of hegemony in the history of the capitalist world-economy," International Journal of Comparative Sociology 24, 1983.(10)
William R. Thompson "Long waves, technological innovation and relative decline" International Organization 44:201-33, 1990.(32)
Terry Boswell and Michael Sweat "Hegemony, long waves and major wars: a time series analysis, 1496-1967" International Studies Quarterly 35,2:123-150 (June), 1991.(28)
Part VI. Global Integration
Robert Keohane, "Reciprocity in international relations" International Organization 40,1:1-27 (Winter) 1986. (27)
Donald J. Puchala and Raymond F. Hopkins, "International regimes: lessons from inductive analysis," International Organization 36,2:245-275 (Spring) 1982.(30)
Christopher Chase-Dunn, "World state formation: historical processes and emergent necessity," Political Geography Quarterly 9,2:108-130 (April) 1990. (22)
Bruce Russett and James S. Sutterlin, "The U.N. in a new world order," Foreign Affairs 70,2:69-83 (Spring) 1991. (14)
Robert W. Cox, "Social forces, states and world orders: beyond international relations theory" Millenium: Journal of International Studies 10,2:126-155,1981. (29)