Sociology 003: Theoretical Perspectives in sociology
Fall 2019 Tuesday and Thursdays 10:30-11:50
University Village: Theatre 8 C. Chase-Dunn
v. 9-5-19
This course focuses on major issues in classical and contemporary social and sociological theory. It is a required course in the undergraduate Sociology major at UCR. .
A view of the C
Grading is based on the midterm exam (20%) [October 31], the final exam (20%) [December 12, 11:30 am] lecture attendance (10%), discussion section attendance and participation (20%) and a short (no more than 5-page typed double-spaced pages) research essay on one of the main topics covered in the course(30%) [due date December 5]. The midterm and the final are in-class essay exams. Study questions will be made available the week prior to the exams. The topic for your research paper is due November 7.
Teaching Assistants: Vladimir Borel and Joel Winegar
Readings marked with an asterisk (*) are required. Others are recommended.
The following required books are available at the Campus Store and are on reserve:
David Carrasco (2012) The Aztecs: A Very Short Introduction. New York: Oxford
University Press.
Robert J.C. Young (2003) Postcolonialism: A Very Short Introduction. New York: Oxford
University Press.
Karl Marx and Frederic Engels 1948 [1848] The Communist Manifesto New York: International
Toni Morrison (2017) The Origin of Others. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press
Kevin Passmore (2014) Fascism: A Very Short Introduction. New York: Oxford
University Press
Marshall Sahlins (2008) The Western Illusion of Human Nature Chicago: Prickly
Paradigm Press.
Lecture Schedule:
Asterisked (*) readings are required. Others are recommended. Required readings should be read prior to the class meeting under which they are listed.
Sept 26 (Thursday) first lecture meeting; Syllabus handed out. Get Books. Start Reading
Oct 1 Overview of the course. Philosophy of Science; Theory Construction, Theoretical Research Programs. Social Science disciplines
Samir Okasha, Philosophy of Science: A Very Short Introduction 2016 Oxford University Press
Paul Davidson Reynolds, A Primer on Theory Construction. 2007 Allen and Bacon.
Imre Lakatos, “Falsification and the methodology of scientific research” in Criticism and
the Growth of Knowledge. Imre Lakatos and Alan Musgrave (eds.) Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1974.
*Michael Burawoy 2004 “For Public Sociology” American Sociological Association Presidential Address (available on course Ilearn site).
Jonathan H. Turner, Leonard Beeghley and Charles H. Powers 2012 The Emergence of
Sociological Theory. Thousand Oaks, CA:
Oct 8 Sociocultural Evolution
*David Carrasco (2012) The Aztecs: A Very Short Introduction. Chapters 1-4
Peter Turchin, Ultra Society
Gerhard Lenski, Ecological Evolutionary Theory
Oct 10 Sociocultural Evolution
*David Carrasco (2012) The Aztecs: A Very Short Introduction. Chapters 5-8
Jonathan H. Turner and Alexandra Maryanski On the Origin of Societies by Natural
C. Chase-Dunn and B. Lerro Social Change: Globalization Since the Stone Age
Oct 15: Race, Gender and Othering
* Toni Morrison The Origin of Others
Randall Collins, Janet Saltzman Chafetz, Rae Lesser Blumberg, Scott Coltrane and Jonathan H. Turner “Toward an integrated theory of gender stratification. Sociological Perspectives 36,3: 185-216, Autumn 1993.
*Karen D. Pyke 1996 “Class-based masculinities: the interdependence of gender, class and interpersonal power” Gender and Society 10,5: 527-549.
*Howard Winant 2000 “Race and race theory” Annual Review of Sociology 26:169-185,
Evelyn Nakano Glenn, Unequal Freedom
Oct 17 Collective Behavior, Social Movements and Revolutions
* Jack Goldstone Revolutions Chapters 1-6
Neil J. Smelser Theory of Collective Behavior.
David Snow and Janet Soule A Primer on Social Movements
Cora DuBois The 1870 Ghost Dance
Oct 22 Collective Behavior, Social Movements and Revolutions
* Jack Goldstone Revolutions Chapters 7-11
Valentine Moghadam Globalization and Social Movements: Islamism, Feminism and the Global
Justice Movement
Norman Cohn The Pursuit of the Millennium.
Laurent Dubois, Avengers of the New World: The Story of the Haitian Revolution
John Reed, Ten Days the Shook the World
Oct 24 Global Inequality
* Robert J.C. Young Postcolonialism: Chapters 1-4
Roberto Patricio Korzeneiwicz and Timothy Moran, Unveiling Inequality
Oct 29 Global Inequaliity (Midterm Study Questions Available)
* Robert J.C. Young Postcolonialism: Chapters 5-7
Immanuel Wallerstein The World-System and Africa
Oct 31 Midterm in Class
Nov. 5 Human Nature
*Marshall Sahlins The Western Illusion of Human Nature Pp. 1-62
Susan McKinnon, Neo-Liberal Genetics
Nov 7 Human Nature. Hand in the Topic for Your Research Paper in Lecture
*Marshall Sahlins The Western Illusion of Human Nature Pp. 63-112
Nov 12 World Politics and the Global Right
* Kevin Passmore Fascism Chapters 1-5
C. Chase-Dunn, Peter Evans and E.N. Anderson “The evolution of the global right”
Nov 14 World Politics and the Global Right
* Kevin Passmore Fascism Chapters 6-10
Nov 19 Globalization and Capitalism
*Karl Marx and Frederic Engels The Communist Manifesto
Nov 21 No lecture
Nov 26 Globalization and Capitalism
* William I. Robinson Into the Tempest, Introduction and Chapters 1-5
Immanuel Wallerstein, World-Systems Analysis
Christopher Chase-Dunn, Global Formation
Nov 28 Thanksgiving. Read Robinson
Dec 3 Globalization and Capitalism
* William I. Robinson Into the Tempest, Chapters 6-10
Giovanni Arrighi, The Long Twentieth Century.
Michael A. Witt 2017 “Deglobalization” Journal of International Business Studies
Sylvia Walby 2015 Crisis. Malden, MA: Polity Press
Dec 5 Lyrical Upsurge Five-page Essay is Due. Final Study questions available
Thursday, December 12, 11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Soc003 research essay
A short (no more than 5-page typed double-spaced pages) research essay on one of the topics covered in the course (30%) [due date December 5]. A short description of the topic for your research paper is due November 7 in Lecture. Hard copy. 2 or 3 sentences describing what you intend to write about.
Suggested topics:
Philosophy of Science; Theory Construction, Theoretical Research Programs. Social Science
The Emergence of sociological theory and types of sociology (the big tent)
Theory and Practice. Objectivity. Grand Narratives and Power, Cosmocentrism
Sociocultural Evolution
Race, Gender and Othering
Collective Behavior, Social Movements and Revolutions
Global Inequality
Human Nature
World Politics and the Global Right
Globalization and Capitalism
Other topic relevant for sociological theory?________________________