Exercise Report  

Use the data in Georg Muller's Comparative World Data: A Statistical Handbook for Social Science (Johns Hopkins University Press, 1988), to test a causal proposition. See the handout containing the list of variables.

This book is on Reserve and the data are available in electronic format from the Sociology Department network (Coleman) at x:cdun/data650

1. Formulate a single causal proposition and operationalize that proposition as well as you can using the societal variables available in Muller.

2. Analyze the data that are relevant to your proposition using at least two different research designs and report the results.

3. Compare the results obtained by the different methods. Discuss the inferences that can be drawn about your hypothetical proposition from the results of your analysis of the data from  Muller. If there are contradictions in the results obtained by different research designs discuss what might explain these.

4. Report your best guess as to the true relationship based on your analysis of Muller's data.

5. Discuss possible errors of inference in your conclusions. How could the degree of certainty be increased?

The challenge here is to do as much as you can with the information in Muller. Do not gather additional data. Your double-spaced typescript report should be no longer than ten pages. It is due on Tuesday May 2.