Bibliography on Global State Formation

Amin, Samir 1997 Capitalism in an Age of Globalization. London: Zed Books.

Arrighi, Giovanni 1994 The Long Twentieth Century London: Verso.

Arrighi, Giovanni, Terence K. Hopkins and Immanuel Wallerstein. 1989. Antisystemic Movements. London and New York: Verso.

Arrighi, Giovanni and Beverly Silver 1999 Chaos and Governance in the Modern World-System: Comparing Hegemonic

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Bello, Walden 2002  Deglobalization London: Zed Books..

Bornschier, Volker and Christopher Chase-Dunn (eds.)  2000 The Future of Global Conflict. London: Sage

Boswell, Terry and Christopher Chase-Dunn 2000 The Spiral of Capitalism and Socialism: Toward Global Democracy.  Boulder: Lynne Rienner.

Carneiro, Robert L. 1978 “Political expansion as an expression of the principle of

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Chase-Dunn, Christopher 1998 Global Formation: Structures of the World-Economy (2nd ed.) Lanham, MD: Rowman

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Christopher Chase-Dunn. 1990 "World state formation: historical processes and emergent necessity" Political

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Chase-Dunn, Christopher,  Yukio Kawano and Benjamin Brewer 2000 "Trade Globalization since 1795: waves

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Scientific American June 2003.

Chase-Dunn, Christopher and Terry Boswell 2004 "Global Democracy: A world-systems perspective"

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Chase-Dunn, Christopher, Rebecca Giem, Andrew Jorgenson, Thomas Reifer and John Rogers, forthcoming "The Trajectory of the United States in the World-System: A Quantitative Reflection"  Sociological Perspectives.

Fisher, William F. and Thomas Ponniah 2003 Another World In Possible. London: Zed

Friedman, Jonathan and Christopher Chase-Dunn 2005 Hegemonic Declines: Present and Past. Boulder, Co:


Gill, Stephen 2003 Power and Resistance in the New World Order London: Palgrave

Graber, Robert Bates 2004 “Is a world state just a matter of time?: a population-pressure

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Hardt, Michael and Antonio Negri 2004 Multitude. New York: Penguin

Modelski, George and William R. Thompson 1996 Leading Sectors and World Powers: the Coevolution of Global Politics

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Murphy, Craig 1994 International Organization and Industrial Change: Global Governance since 1850. New York:


O’Rourke, Kevin H and Jeffrey G. Williamson 1999 Globalization and History: The Evolution of a 19th Century Atlantic Economy. Cambridge, MA.: MIT Press.

Robinson, William I. 2004 A Theory of Global Capitalism. Baltimore: MD. Johns Hopkins University Press.

Sassen, Saskia. 1991. Global Cities. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Shannon, Thomas R. 1996 An Introduction to the World-System Perspective Boulder, CO.: Westview.

Silver, Beverly 2003 Forces of Labor. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Sklair, Leslie. 2001. The Transnational Capitalist Class. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers.

Starr, Amory 2000, Naming the Enemy: Anti-Corporate Movements Confront Globalization. London: Zed Press.

Taylor, Peter J. 1996 The Way the Modern World Works: World Hegemony to World Impasse. New York: Wiley

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Wallerstein, Immanuel 2004 World-Systems Analysis. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.