Global State Formation

 for whom?

Christopher Chase-Dunn

Institute for Research on World-Systems

University of California, Riverside

Riverside, CA. 92521

State Formation and the evolution of human institutions

What is a polity?: bands, tribes, chiefdoms, states, empires

What is a state?: A “sovereign” organization with specialized institutions of regional control

(bureaucracies and armies). The “monopology of legitimate violence”

The growth of polities: rise and fall and occasional upward jumps.

Hierarchies and Networks: pulsation and rise and fall

Complex Chiefdoms, Early states, Empire formation

Expansion of the Central World-System

Semiperipheral capitalist city-states

The Rise of the West

Modern nation-states, capitalism and the interstate system

Waves of economic and political globalization

Modern colonialism and decolonization

The rise and fall of modern hegemonic core powers: the Dutch in the 17th century, the British in the 19th century, the U.S. in the 20th century

Reproduction of the Interstate System and the long rise of a global state

Global Governance: The Concert of Europe; The League of Nations;

The United Nations

Global Class Formation

            The transnational capitalist class in the 19th and the 20th centuries

            Transnationalization of workers and citizens

The Globalization Project and the formation of capitalist transnational state

Reconfiguration of national states and international institutions for the purposes of neoliberalism

Waves of Globalization and Globalization Backlash

Global Keynesianism: the Tobin Tax, etc. the World Economic Forum

Globalization from below: the World Social Forum

Globalization from Below vs. Anti-globalization

Anti-Systemic Transnational Movements: The Labor Movement; The Women’s Movement; Global Indigenism; The Environmental Movement

Sticky Wickets: Hegemonic Rivalry, Global Inequality, Ecocatastrophe

Toward Global Democracy