Marilyn Grell-Brisk

Dr. Grell-Brisk is a recent PhD in Sociology from the University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland. She is a Research Associate at the Institute for Research on World-Systems at the University of California, Riverside. Her doctoral project focused on global economic stratification as it relates to the rise of China and its impact on various regions in the Global South. She is trained in macro-comparative quantitative research methods and utilizes case studies and other qualitative research tools to draw out the complex connections that exist within the modern capitalist interstate system. In general, Dr. Grell-Brisk is interested in the transformation and development of middle-to-low income countries in the world-economy as well as the implications of global climate change and pollution in urban cities. She is involved in four major research projects. 1) Small Island Development and Climate Change - interrogates how global climate change informs small island development strategies for which she is does ongoing field work in the Caribbean. (2) Commodified Citizenship in the World Economy - she gathers data to examine the practice of selling of citizenship by developing countries as a means of dealing with new and intensive forms of global capital accumulation and global economic crises. 3) Sub-Saharan Africa in the World-System - she is currently analyzing trade networks between the region and China. 4) Southern California Community Initiatives for Improved Health - she is part of a group of scientists that seek to understand and create technological interventions for improving community quality of life in several cities in the Inland Empire of Southern California. 

Marilyn's vita is here.

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