README File – 4 surveys dataset
survey results from Porto Alegre (2005), Nairobi (2007), Atlanta (2007) and
Detroit (2010).
performed by Joel Herrera (
02 March 2015
Only 2010 variables with equivalents in the
other surveys were transferred. All the excluded 2010 variables can still be
found in the original 2010 dataset. Transferred variables were named according
to their counterparts in the other surveys and some were recoded as necessary.
“strongly identified” variables from all four datasets were transferred to the
merged dataset. Many respondents that are “actively involved” for any given
movement did not select “strongly identify”. We assume that a respondent that
falls in the “actively involved” category should also “strongly identify” with
their movement. Therefore, these variables were modified so that all “actively
involved” respondents are also labeled as “strongly identified”.
The original
variables were kept; the modified ones are named “mod” (e.g. SIqueer à SIqueermod).
USSF 2010 Detroit var30àagesimplified: birth years recoded to match age
cohorts var36àcustodyofkids18: number of children recoded to no/yes
children var44àeducation: level of schooling recoded to years of schooling
var37àHowreligious: categories of religiousness
shortened from six to three var38àReligiousbeliefs: categories recoded to match other
surveys var31àracewother: categories recoded to match other
surveys; South Asian, East Asian, and Pacific Islander collapsed into Asian
var33bàregion: countries collapsed into
var2ànumberWSF: number of WSF attended collapsed
into ranges that match other surveys
SUM(var4ab, var4bb, var4cb, var4db, var4eb, var4fb, v4argb, var4hb, var4ib,
var4jb, var4kb)àldrshippaid: all paid staff/leadership
categories collapsed into a single paid staff variable computed SUM(var4ac,
var4bc, var4cc, var4dc, var4ec, var4fc, var4gc, var4hc, var4ic, var4jc, var4kc)à
ldrmod: all
leadership categories collapsed into a single leadership variable var9aàprotests: number of protests attended
collapsed into ranges that match other surveys
var24aàIMF: “reform” response changed to
“negotiate” to match other surveys var24càWTO: “reform” response changed to “negotiate” to match
other surveys var22a, var22b, var22c, var22dàlevelprobsolve These variables originally ranked
the importance of the levels of solving contemporary problems. The rankings
were dropped and only the responses originally ranked as first were kept. For
example, if a respondent ranked communities as most important, their responses
to the other levels were dropped so communities could be considered their
preferred level of solving contemporary problems. After this, the four
different variables (one for each level) were merged into a single variable to
match the other surveys.
var23àdemgov: “bad idea/possible” and “bad
idea/not possible” responses were collapsed to match other surveys
var44àEducationDichotomou: level of schooling recoded to years
of schooling according to binary categories