Global Formation: Structures of the World-Economy
Core/Periphery Relations in Precapitalist
The Historical Evolution of the International Political
Rise and Demise: Comparing World-Systems
The Wintu and Their Neighbors: A
Very Small World-System in Northern California
The Future of Global Conflict
The Spiral of Capitalism and Socialism
Globalization on the Ground: Postbellum Guatemalan Development and Democracy
Hegemonic Declines: Present and Past
The Historical Evolution of World-Systems
Global Social Change: A Reader
Routledge Handbook of World-Systems Analysis
Social Change: globalization from the Stone Age to the Present
Global Formation:
Structures of the World-Economy
to my daughters
Cori, Mae and Frances
Second Edition published by Rowman and
Littlefield, 1998.
Abstract and Table of
Contents Spanish
Core/Periphery Relations
in Precapitalist Worlds, edited by Christopher Chase-Dunn and Thomas
D. Hall. 1991. Now out of print. Available electronically: |
The Historical Evolution of the International Political Economy Editor: Christopher Chase-Dunn
Professor of Sociology
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, MD. 21218 USA
Library of International
Political Economy
Edward Elgar, Publishing Limited
Rise and Demise: Comparing World-Systems. Christopher Chase-Dunn and
Thomas D. Hall. 1997. Ordering Info (or
call 1-800-386-5656). |
The Wintu and Their
A Very Small World-System in
Northern California
Christopher Chase-Dunn
Kelly M. Mann
On the cutting edge of world-systems theory comes The Wintu
and Their Neighbors, the first case study to compare and contrast
systematically an indigenous Native American society with the modern world at
large. Using an interdisciplinary approach that combines sociology,
anthropology, political science, geography, and history, Christopher Chase-Dunn
and Kelly M. Mann have scoured the archaeological record of the Wintu, an aboriginal people without agriculture, mettallurgy, or class structure, who lived in the wooded
valleys and hills of Northern California. By studying the household
composition, kinship, and trade relations of the Wintu,
they call into question some of the basic assumptions of prior sociological
theory and analysis.
Chase-Dunn and Mann argue that Immanuel Wallerstein's
world-systems perspective, originally applied only to the study of modern
capitalist societies, can also be applied to the study of social, economic, and
political relationships in small, stateless societies. They contend that
despite the fact that the Wintu appear on the surface
to have been a household-based society, this indigenous groups was in fact
involved in a myriad of networks of interaction that resulted in intermarriages
and that extended for many miles around the region. These interactions, which
were not based on the economic dominance of one society over another -- a
concept fundamental to Wallerstein's world-systems
theory -- led to the eventual expansion of the Wintu
as a cultural group. Thus, despite the fact that the Wintu
lacked wealth accumulation, class distinctions, and culture dominance,
Chase-Dunn and Mann insist that the Wintu were
involved in a world-system and argue, therefore, that they concept of the
"minisystem" should be discarded. They urge
other scholars to employ this comparative world-systems perspective in their
research on stateless societies.
This book is a close study of
a very small world-system in
The native Californians at
the north end of the
This case study of the Wintu and their neighbors has important implications for
sorting out the structural similarities and differences between smaller and
larger world-systems. Despite being quite small in comparative perspective, the
Appendix 1: Sources
coded to study interaction networks in the Northern California prehistoric world-system
of the Wintu and their neighbors.
Appendix 2: Notes
on Projectile point data from the Sacramento River Canyon
Appendix 3: Wintu, Yana, Pit River and Chimariko Placenames:
data on pairs for determining calque ratios
Future of Global Conflict
Volker Bornschier and Christopher Chase-Dunn
This book addresses the question of future competition for hegemony in the core
of the global system. The authors, both sociologists and political scientists,
construct scenarios and examine long terms trends and cycles of the global
system to inform their judgements about possible and probable futures. The core
of the modern world-system has experienced a series of hegemonic rises and
declines for centuries. The Dutch were hegemonic in the European world-economy
of the seventeenth century. The British rose to hegemony in the nineteenth
century, and the
Published in May 1999.
Spiral of Capitalism and Socialism: Toward Global
Terry Boswell and Christopher Chase-Dunn
At the core of this book is the argument that, though the word
"socialism" is widely held in disdain in the current discourse about
the world's past and its future, the idea of socialism as collective
rationality and popular democracy is far from dead.
Boswell and Chase-Dunn
describe a spiral of capitalism and socialism—of economic expansion and
social progress—that creates repeated opportunities for positive transformation
at the global level. They contend that social democracy is both desirable
and possible at the level of the world-system. And they present a
straight-forward, compelling case in support of that contention.
The first section of
the book explains the structural dynamics of the world-system. The second
explores the great failures, and the limited successes, that were the outcome of
efforts to build a state socialist "second world." A final
section addresses the possible futures of the world-system and,
especially, how to move realistically toward global democracy.
Terry Boswell was professor of sociology at
Christopher Chase-Dunn is professor of sociology at
World Divides and World Revolutions.
The Revolutions of 1989.
The Spiral of Capitalism and Socialism.
Getting Past the Post.
The Future of the World-System.
January 2000/270 Pages
ISBN: 1-55587-824-5 HC $55.00
ISBN: 1-55587-849-0 PB $23.50
LC: 99-16269
Rienner, Publishers. Boulder, CO. Power and
Social Change: Studies in Political Sociology
x = z cos z
y = z sin z
Publishing Company,
Development and Democracy
<>Christopher Chase-Dunn, Nelson Amaro
and Susanne Jonas (eds.) 2001 Lanham, MD: Rowman and
on the Ground offers
us an in-depth picture of the prospects and difficulties of a democratic
transition in
I: The Future of Guatemalan Development
Chapter 1: Guatemalan Development and Democracy
Chase-Dunn, Susanne Jonas and Nelson Amaro
Chapter 2:
Development and Equity: the Agenda for the 21st Century,
Former Guatemalan Ambassador to the United Nations
Chapter 3: Global forces and regime change:
Central American context
Chapter 4:
Democratization Through Peace: The Difficult
Chapter 5:
Decentralization, Local Government and Citizen
Unsolved Problems in the Guatemalan
Amaro Universidad
Chapter 6:
Demilitarization and security in
Convergences of Success and Crisis
Douglas Kincaid Florida
International University
Chapter 7: Democracy
and the Market in
Edelberto Torres-Rivas UNSRID/GUATEMALA.
Chapter 8: Coffee and
the Guatemalan state
III: Indigenous Movements and Social Change
Chapter 9: Pan-Mayanism and
the Guatemalan Peace Process
Chapter 10: The development
of globalization in the Mayan
Serech CEDIM/Guatemala
Chapter 11:
Linguistic diversity, interculturalism and democracy
Richards and Julia Richards Universidad del Valle
William Robinson
University of California, Santa Barbara
Chapter 13:
Globalization from below in
Chase-Dunn University of California,
Chapter 14: Theories of Development and their Application
to Small Countries: The Guatemalan Case
Alejandro Portes
Present and Past
Jonathan Friedman and Christopher Chase-Dunn
(eds.) 2005. Boulder, CO.: Paradigm Press.
This book addresses the difficulties of conceptualizing and assessing
hegemonic rise and decline in comparative and historical perspective. Several chapters are devoted to the study of
hegemony in premodern and early modern world-systems.
And several chapters examine hegemony in the modern world-system, especially
comparing the current era of
The possible
futures of the global system are illuminated by careful study of its past and
comparisons with power processes in the premodern
Table of Contents
Introduction: Jonathan Friedman and Christopher Chase-Dunn
I: On the Way to the Modern World-System
Chapter 1
Johnny Persson, Social Anthropology,
a closed universe: World-system crisis, regional dynamics and the rise of
Aegean palatial society"
Chapter 2
Kasja Ekholm, Social Anthropology,
final collapse of the Mediterranean-Egyptian-Near Eastern Bronze Age as a
global systemic phenomenon."
Chapter 3
Friedman, Social Anthropology,
Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales,
ca change? On not learning from history"
II: Comparing Modern Hegemonic Decline
Chapter 4
Taylor, Geography,
problem of Dutch hegemonic decline and its relationship to globalization."
Chapter 5
Karen Barkey, Sociology, Columbia University "A perspective on Ottoman decline”
Chapter 6
Silver and Giovanni Arrighi, Sociology,
" Polanyi's
“double movement”: The belle epoques of
British and U.S. hegemony compared"
Chapter 7
Thomas Reifer, Institute for Research on World-Systems,
transitions, globalization and global elite formation."
III: Hegemonic Decline and Resistance
Chapter 8
Thomas D.
Hall, Sociology,
peoples and hegemonic change: opportunities for resistance or dangerous
Chapter 9
Albert Bergesen and Omar Lizardo,
"Terrorism and hegemonic
The Historical Evolution
of World-Systems
Christopher Chase-Dunn and E.N. Anderson (eds.)
Isbn 1-4039-6590-0
book analyses the historical evolution of world-systems. The chapters consider various aspects of the
rise and fall of great powers as seen in particular cases from early time
periods. Taken together, they advance
our understanding of the regularities in the dynamics of empire and economic
expansion since the Bronze Age.
The authors all share a world
historical systems perspective on large-scale social change. They analyze the
expansion and contraction of cross-cultural trade networks and systems of
competing and allying states. In premodern times, these ranged from small local trading
networks (even the very small ones of hunting-gathering peoples) to the vast
Mongol world-system (Genghis Khan’s empire and the much larger area it affected
deeply). Within such systems, there is
usually one, or a very few, hegemonic powers (again, the range is from the
overwhelming dominance of the Mongols under Genghis down to such things as the
brief and tenuous hold of the Portuguese on power at the start of the modern
A great deal of scholarship has been
engaged in recent years on the questions of how such systems change, and how
certain powers achieve varying degrees of dominance within them. The chapters
in this book review several recent approaches and present a wealth of new
findings. Two of the chapters address the rise of the West and the recent
debates over why the European powers were eventually able to outpace the
complex societies of South and
book is aimed primarily at scholars in history and the social sciences, but may
also have a broader appeal. It will be
of interest to those who care to understand the rise and fall of empires and
the regularities in historical processes over space and time; it could thus have
a wide readership. It should also prove
useful in advanced college courses in world history, world-systems theory, and
human ecology.
of Contents
Christopher Chase-Dunn and E. N. Anderson
Chapter 1 E. N. Anderson and Christopher Chase-Dunn
“The Rise and
Fall of Great Powers”
Chapter 2:
William Thompson, Political Science,
" Eurasian C-Wave Crises In The First
Millennium B.C."
Chapter 3:
Sing Chew, Sociology,
Harappa to Mesopotamia and
Chapter 4:
Mitchell Allen, Anthropology,
Is In The Details: Administrative Technology and the Growth of Ancient Near
Eastern Cores."
Chapter 9:
Stephen Bunker, Sociology,
Comparative and
Historical Perspectives
edited by Christopher
Chase-Dunn and Salvatore J. Babones |
Johns Hopkins University Press – Baltimore
The essays in Global Social Change explore globalization
from a world-systems perspective, untangling its many contested meanings. This
perspective offers insights into globalization's gradual and uneven growth
throughout the course of human social evolution.
In this informative and exciting volume, Christopher Chase-Dunn and Salvatore
J. Babones bring together accomplished senior
sociologists and outstanding younger scholars with a mix of interests,
expertise, and methodologies to offer an introduction to ways of studying and
understanding global social change.
In both newly written essays and previously published articles from the Journal
of World Systems Research, the contributors employ historical and
comparative social science to examine the development of institutions of global
governance, the rise and fall of hegemonic core states, transnational social
movements, and global environmental challenges. They compare post–World War II
globalization with the great wave of economic integration that occurred in the
late nineteenth century, analyze the rise of the political ideology of the
"globalization project"—Reaganism-Thatcherism—and
discuss issues of gender and global inequalities.
Christopher Chase-Dunn is a professor of sociology
and the director of the Institute for Research on World-Systems at the
University of California–Riverside. Salvatore J. Babones
is an assistant professor of sociology at the University of Pittsburgh.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1:
Introduction, Christopher Chase-Dunn and Salvatore Babones
Chapter 2:
Conducting Global Research, Salvatore Babones
Part 1: What is
Chapter 3: Thomas D. Hall and Christopher Chase-Dunn, “Global
Social Change in the Long Run”
Chapter 4: Leslie Sklair,
“Competing Conceptions of Globalization”
Chapter 5: Christopher Chase-Dunn,
“Globalization: a world-systems perspective”
2: Global Inequality
Chapter 6:
Jonathan Turner and Salvatore Babones “Global Inequality: An Introduction”
Chapter 7: Bruce Podobnik “Global Energy
Inequalities: Exploring the Long-Term Implications”
Part 3:
Globalization and the Environment
Chapter 8: Alf Hornborg, Ecosystems and World Systems: Accumulation as an Ecological
Chapter 9: Andrew K. Jorgenson “Global social change,
natural resource consumption and environmental degradation”
Part 4: Globalization, Hegemony and
Global Governance
Chapter 10: Giovanni Arrighi, " Spatial
and Other ‘Fixes’ of Historical Capitalism "
Chapter 11: Peter Gowan, “Contemporary
intra-core relations and world-systems theory”
Part 5: Global Social Movements
Chapter 12: Valentine M. Moghadam,
“Gender and Globalization: Female Labor and Women’s Mobilization”
Chapter 13: Frederick H.Buttel and
Kenneth A. Gould, “Global Social Movements at the Crossroads”
Chapter 14: Jackie Smith and Dawn Weist, “National
and global foundations of global civil society”
Part 6: Democracy and Democratization
Chapter 15: Terry Boswell and Christopher Chase-Dunn,
“Transnational Social Movements and Democratic Socialist Parties in the Semiperiphery: on to global democracy”
Chapter 16: John Markoff,
“Globalization and the future of Democracy”
Routledge Handbook of World-Systems
Edited by Salvatore
Babones and Christopher
Introduction by
Salvatore J. Babones & Christopher Chase-Dunn
PART I: Origins 1. Before the Long 16th Century 1. Market Cooperation and the
Evolution of the Pre-Hispanic Mesoamerican World-System by Richard E.
Blanton & Lane F. Fargher 2. Assessing the
Debate between Abu-Lughod and Wallerstein
over the Thirteenth-Century Origins of the Modern World-System by Elson E.
Boles 3. Afroeurasian World-System: Genesis,
Transformations, Characteristics by Leonid Grinin
and Andrey Korotayev 4. Agricultural Origins and
Early Development by E. N. Anderson 5. Qubilai
and the Indian Ocean: A New Era? by Paul D. Buell 2.
Historical Processes of Incorporation and Development 6. Incorporation into and Merger of
World-Systems by Thomas D. Hall 7. The Great Transition Debate and
World-Systems Analysis by Eric Mielants 8.
The Social Foundations of Global Conflict and Cooperation: Globalization and
Global Elite Integration, 19th to 21st Century by Thomas Ehrlich
Reifer 9. The East Asian Path of Development by
Alvin Y. So 10. Darfur:
The Periphery of the Periphery by Younes Abouyoub PART II: Theory and Critiques 3.
Theoretical Frontiers in World-Systems Analysis 11. Externality, Contact Periphery
and Incorporation by Jon D.Carlson 12. Wallerstein’s World-System: Roots and Contributions by
W. L. Goldfrank 13. The Structures of Knowledge:
Conceptualizing the Socio-Cultural Arena of Historical Capitalism by
Richard E. Lee 14. The Multiplicity of National Development in the
World-System: A Critical Perspective by Nobuyuki Yamada 15. Crisis in
the World-System: Theoretical and Policy Implications by John Barnshaw and Lynn Letukas
16. Core, Semiperiphery, Periphery: a Variable
Geometry Presiding over Conceptualization by Nicole Bousquet
17. Terminal Crisis or a New Systemic Cycle of Accumulation? by Christopher
Chase-Dunn 4. Explicit Modeling as a Research Strategy 18. Measuring Transition and
Hierarchy of States within the World-Systems Paradigm by Raymond J. Dezzani 19. World-Systems as Dissipative Structures: A
New Research Agenda by Peter E. Grimes 20. Narrating Stories about the
World System of the First Global Age, 1400-1800 by J.B.Owens
21. World-Systems Theory and Formal and Simulation Modeling by Hiroko Inoue
22. Mathematical Models of the World-System Development by Andrey Korotayev and Sergey Malkov 5.
Critical Contributions to World-Systems Analysis 23. World System History:
Challenging Eurocentric Knowledge by Robert A. Denemark
and Barry K. Gills 24. The Failure of the "Modern World System"
and the New Paradigm of the "Critical Theory of Patriarchy" The
"Civilization of Alchemists" as a "System of War" by
Claudia von Werlhof 25. Authenticating 17th
Century "Hegemonies": Dutch, Spanish, French, or None? by David
Wilkinson 26. The Challenges of Globalization Theory to World-Systems
Analysis by Leslie Sklair PART III:
The Contemporary World-Economy 6. Markets and Exchange 27. Surplus Drain and Dark Value in
the Modern World-System by Donald A. Clelland
28. The Silence of Finance and Its Critics: Portfolio Investors in the
World-System by Aaron Z. Pitluck 29. Debt
Crises in the Modern World-System by Christian Suter
30. Economic-Political Interaction in the Core/Periphery Hierarchy by
Mikhail Balaev 31. The Other Side of the Global
Formation: Structures of the World Lumpeneconomy by
Zbigniew Galor 7.
Networks and Chains 32.
Global Cities, Global Commodity Chains And The Geography of Core-Ness in the
Capitalist World-System by Christof Parnreiter 33. Trade, Unequal Exchange and Global
Commodity Chains: World-System Structure and Economic Development by David
A. Smith 34. Global Cities and World City Networks by David A. Smith
and Michael Timberlake 35. How Individuals Shape Global Production by
Frederick W. Lee 36. World Cities in Asia by Kyoung-Ho
Shin 37. The Internet and the World-System(s) by Piotr Konieczny 8. Globalization and Distribution 38. Globalization: Theories of
Convergence and Divergence in the World-System by Kelly F. Austin, Laura A.
McKinney and Edward L. Kick 39. Social Stratification and Mobility:
National and Global Dimensions by Timothy Patrick Moran 40. Income
Inequality in the World: Looking Back and Ahead by Volker Bornschier 41. Billionaires and Global Inequality:
Does An Increase in One Indicate an Increase in the Other? by Jenny Chesters 42. The Pervasiveness of ICT in Our Present
Modern World-System by Melsome Nelson-Richards,
with the assistance of Kandu E. Agbimson
PART IV: Development and Underdevelopment 9. Indigeneity and
Incorporation 43.
Early Capitalist Inauguration and the Formation of a Colonial Shatter Zone by
Robbie Ethridge 44. Indigenous Peoples,
Globalization and Autonomy in World-Systems Analysis by James V. Fenelon
45. Peasants, Peasantries and (De)peasantization in
the Capitalist World-System by Eric Vanhaute 46.
Chiefdom World-Systems (with a Focus on Hawaii, 1390-1790) by Elena Ermolaeva 10. Models of Growth and Stagnation 47. Position and Mobility in the
Contemporary World-Economy: A Structuralist
Perspective by Salvatore J. Babones 48. O’Connorian Models of Peripheral Development: How Third
World States Resist World- Systemic Pressures By Cloning the Policies of States
in the Core by Samuel Cohn 49. Slums, Favelas, and Shantytowns: An
Inquiry into the Global significance of the Urban Periphery, and the Re-articulation
of World-systemic External Areas by Delario
Lindsey 50. Urbanization and Poverty in the Global South by Shahadat Hossain 11. Food and Agriculture 51. Global Environmental Governance,
Competition, and Sustainability in Global Agriculture by Brian J. Gareau and John Borrego 52. Hunger and the Political
Economy of the World Food System by Stephen J. Scanlan
53. Incorporating Comparison by Sandra Curtis Comstock 54. Equalizing
Exchange through Voluntary Certification?: The Case of Palm Oil by Kristen Shorette PART V: Sustainability 12. Natural
Resources and Constraints 55.
New Historical Materialism, Extractive Economies, and Socioeconomic and
Environmental Change by Paul S. Ciccantell
56. World-System Structure, Natural Capital and Environmental Entropy by
Edward L. Kick and Laura A. McKinney 57. What Is Old and What Is New?:
Considering World-Systems in the 21st Century and Beyond by
Thomas J. Burns 58. Glad Moon Rising: A World-Systems Perspective on the
World in Space by Marilyn Dudley-Flores and Thomas Gangale
59. Extraction and the World-System by Paul K. Gellert
60. Geopolitical and Socio-ecological Constraints to the Reproduction of the
Capitalist World-Economy by John L. Gulick
61. Energy Use and World-Systems Dynamics by Kirk S. Lawrence 13.
The Environment 62.
Single and Composite Sustainability Indicators in Comparative Sociology by
Philipp Babcicky 63. Forests, Food and
Freshwater: A Review of World-Systems Research and Environmental Impact by
Rebecca Clausen and Stefano B. Longo 64. The Sociology of Ecologically
Unequal Exchange in Comparative Perspective by Andrew K Jorgenson and James
Rice 65. The Displacement of Hazardous Products, Production Processes and
Wastes in the World-System by R Scott Frey 66. Interacting Landscapes:
Toward a Truly Global Environmental History by Alf Hornborg
67. The Environmental Impacts of Foreign Direct Investment in Less-Developed
Countries by Andrew K Jorgenson and Jessie Winitzky
PART VI: Society 14. Individuals and Families 68. The Centrality of the Household
to the Modern World-System by Wilma A. Dunaway 69. International
Migration in the World-System by Matthew Sanderson 70. The
World-System, Inequality and Violent Conflict: Shifting the Unit of Analysis by
Kevin Doran 71. Child Marriage in India: An Overview by Golam S. Khan 72. The Migration of Reproductive Labor
From the Periphery to the Core and Semiperiphery
Under Neoliberal Globalization by Ligaya Lindio-Mcgovern 73. Impacts of Individualism on
World-System Transformation by Roksolana Suchowerska 15. International and
Transnational Interactions 74.
Geography and War by Albert J. Bergesen 75.
The Global Justice Movement and the Social Forum Process by Ellen Reese,
Ian Breckenridge-Jackson, Edwin Elias, David W. Everson and James Love 76.
Global Civil Society or Global Politics? by Jon Shefner
77. Language in the World-System by Gary Coyne 78. Anti-Systemic
Movements Compared by Valentine M. Moghadam 79.
Stabilization Operations and Structural Instability in the Contemporary
World-System by Jeremy Simpson 80. Conclusion: World-Systems Analysis
as a Knowledge Movement by Immanuel Wallerstein
Social Change:
from the Stone Age to the Present
Christopher Chase-Dunn and Bruce Lerro
From the Stone Age to the Internet Age, this book
tells the story of human sociocultural evolution. It describes the conditions
under which hunter-gatherers, horticulturalists, agricultural states, and
industrial capitalist societies formed, flourished, and declined. Drawing
evidence from archaeology, ethnography, linguistics, historical documents,
statistics, and survey research, the authors trace the growth of human
societies and their complexity, and they probe the conflicts in hierarchies
both within and among societies. They also explain the macro-micro links that
connect cultural evolution and history with the development of the individual
self, thinking processes, and perceptions.
Key features of the text
to Social Change: Globalization from the
Stone Age to the Present, Chris Chase-Dunn and Bruce Lerro