Sociology 179: 

Social Movements and Collective Action

Winter 2016                                                                                          MWF 1:10-2

Watkins 1101                                                                                        C. Chase-Dunn

v. 1-6-16

This is a 4-unit lecture course for upper division undergraduates. The course focuses on social movements, revolutions, rebellions, protests and other forms of collective behavior.  We will study the causes of social movements and the ways in which social movements, rebellions and revolutions affect social change and sociocultural evolution. We will examine the prehistory and history of social movements and the development of transnational social movements since the 18th century. Regarding transnational social movements, we will consider inter-movement relations, North-South issues within movements, global party formation and the relationships between transnational movements and states in the semiperiphery. We will also study world revolutions since the Protestant Reformation and the emergence of global civil society.  Each student is required to do one of two optional research projects.

The course will employ the comparative world-systems perspective to examine the relationships between social movements and social change. A primer on the modern world-system perspective is Thomas Richard Shannon’s An Introduction to the World-Systems Perspective (Westview 1996). Used copies are widely available.


Grading is based on the midterm exam (30%) [February 12], the final exam (30%), [March 16, 7pm] attendance (15%), and a 10 page research paper (25%) [due March 9]. The midterm and the final will be in-class essay exams. Your proposed research paper topic is due in class on February 5. The requirements for the research paper are on the Ilearn course web site under Assignments.

The Academic Resources Center (ARC) provides peer-led supplemental instruction, tutoring, writing support, and study skills workshops for students who want to excel in their studies, as well as for students who are having difficulty in their courses.  The reception room for the ARC is located in Room 156 of the Surge Building.  The ARC’s website is:

            The following books are available at the Campus Store and are on reserve:

David A. Snow and Sarah A. Soule 2009 A Primer on Social Movements New York:


Valentine Moghadam 2009 Globalization and Social Movements: Islamism, Feminism and the Global

            Justice Movement. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield

Robert K. Schaeffer 2014 Social Movements and Global Social Change. Lanham, MD: Rowman

            and Littlefield.

Guy Standing, The Precariat: the New Dangerous Class 2011 London: Bloomsbury

Reading Schedule:  Asterisked (*) readings are required. Others are recommended. Required readings should be read prior to the class meeting under which they are listed.

Monday January 4: Syllabus handed out and overview of the course.

*Immanuel Wallerstein 1974 “The Rise and Future Demise of the World Capitalist System: Concepts for Comparative Analysis.” Comparative Studies in Society and History 16:387-415. (also under Course Materials/Readings on the Ilearn site).

Wednesday January 6  Collective Behavior: crowds, fads, riots, panics, herd behavior, the stock market, fashion cycles, etc.

Herbert Blumer, Collective Behavior

Neil J. Smelser 1962 Theory of Collective Behavior.  New York: Free Press

Gustave LeBon, The Crowd

Robert R. Evans (ed.) 1969 Readings in Collective Behavior Chicago: Rand McNally

Friday January 8 Social Movements1

*David A. Snow and Sarah A. Soule 2009 A Primer on Social Movements , Preface and Chapter

            1: Conceptualizing Social Movements

Suzanne Staggenborg, Social Movements

Michael Freeden 2003 Ideology. New York: Oxford University Press.

Monday January 11  Social Movements2

*David A. Snow and Sarah A. Soule 2009 A Primer on Social Movements ,

Chapter 2: Mobilizing Grievances

Charles Tilly, The Politics of Collective Violence

Georges Sorel, Reflections on Violence

Jack A. Goldstone 1994 Revolutions

Stephen Sanderson 2010 Revolutions

Wednesday January 13 Social Movements3

*David A. Snow and Sarah A. Soule 2009 A Primer on Social Movements

 Chapter 3: Contextual Conditions

Mayer N. Zald and John D. McCarthy, Social Movements in an Organizational Society

David S. Meyer The Politics of Protest: Social Movements in America

Friday January 15 Social Movements3

*David A. Snow and Sarah A. Soule 2009 A Primer on Social Movements  Chapter 4:

            Participation in Social Movements

Donatella Della Porta and Mario Diani, Social Movements: An Introduction

Giovanni Arrighi, Terence K. Hopkins, and Immanuel Wallerstein  1989 Antisystemic


Monday January 18 University Holiday: MLK

Wednesday January  20 Social Movements4

*David A. Snow and Sarah A. Soule 2009 A Primer on Social Movements  Chapters 5 and 6.

            Dynamics” and “Consequences”

Doug McAdam and David A. Snow (eds.) 2010 Readings On Social Movements

Friday January 22  The prehistory of social movements: social change in small-scale human societies (no lecture on Monday)

*A.F.C. Wallace 1956 “Revitalization movements” American Anthropologist 58: Pp 264-281. (also under Course Materials/Readings on the Ilearn site).

Cora DuBois 2007 [1939] The 1870 Ghost Dance. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press

James Mooney 1896 The Ghost Dance Religion and the Sioux Outbreak of 1890

Gregory E. Smoak  2006 Ghost Dances and Identity University of California Press

Abraham M. Halpern  1988 Southeastern Pomo Ceremonials: The Kuksu Cult and Its Successors.

             University of California Publications, Anthropological Records Volume 29,

            Berkeley: University of California Press.

Monday January 25 No Lecture

Wednesday January 27  More prehistory of social movements: Cargo cults

*Russell Thornton 1981 Demographic Antecedents of a Revitalization Movement:

            Population Change, Population Size and the 1890 Ghost Dance” American Sociological

            Review, Vol. 46, No. 1 (Feb.), pp. 88-96. (also under Course Materials/Readings on the Ilearn site).

______________ 1986 We Shall Live Again: The 1870 and 1890 Ghost Dance movements as

            demographic revitalization. ASA Rose Monograph Series, Cambridge: Cambridge

            University Press

Peter Worsley  The Trumpet Shall Sound: A Study of 'Cargo Cults' in Melanesia. 

Peter Lawrence, Road Belong Cargo: A study of the cargo movement in the Southern Madang District,

            New Guinea

Friday January 29 Social movements and the rise of the early state: Cahokia. Moral entrepreneurs, theocracies, human sacrifice. Mesopotamia and the temple economy. Egypt and ideologies of order and chaos.

Timothy R. Pauketat 2009 Cahokia: Ancient America’s Great City on the Mississippi, New York:

            Penguin Books

Norman Cohn 1995 Cosmos, Chaos and the World to Come: The Ancient Roots of Apocalyptic Faith.

Monday February 1 Peasant revolts, slave rebellions and cycles of rise and fall of states and empires

Peter Turchin and Sergey Nefadov, The Secular Cycle

Marvin Harris, Cannibals and Kings

Eric Hobsbawm, Primitive Rebels

Wednesday February 3  World Revolutions: The Protestant Reformation

*C. Chase-Dunn and B. Lerro, Social Change: Globalization From the Stone Age to the Present. Chapter 14: “The Early Modern Systems in the Fifteenth to the Eighteenth Centuries”

Norman Cohn, 1957 The Pursuit of the Millennium.

Max Weber, Protestantism and the Spirit of Capitalism

Violet Barbour 1963 Capitalism in Amsterdam in the 17th Century.

Jack Goldstone 1991 Rebellion and Revolution in the Early Modern World

Charles Tilly 1995 European Revolutions, 1492-1992

Friday February 5 The World Revolution of 1789 (Research Topic is due) Midterm Study Questions Handed Out

*Robert Schaeffer, Social Movements and Global Social Change, Chapters 1-3

Charles Tilly 2004 Social Movements, 1768-2004

Janet Polasky 2015 Revolutions Without Borders: The Call to Liberty in the Atlantic World

Peter Linebaugh and Marcus Rediker, The Many-Headed Hydra


William G. Martin et al 2008  Making Waves: Worldwide Social Movements, 1750-2005. Boulder,

            CO: Paradigm

Charles Tilly, The Vendee

Laurent Dubois, Avengers of the New World: The Story of the Haitian Revolution

Monday February 8 The World Revolution of 1848

*Robert Schaeffer, Social Movements and Global Social Change, Chapters 4-6

*C. Chase-Dunn and B. Lerro Social Change: Globalization From the Stone Age to the Present.

            Chapter 15 “The global 19th century”

Immanuel Wallerstein 2011 The Modern World-System, Volume 4: Centrist Liberalism Triumphant, 1789-1914  Berkeley: University of California Press.

Karl Marx 1852 The 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte

William G. Martin et al 2008 Making Waves: Worldwide Social Movements, 1750-2005.  Boulder,

            CO: Paradigm

Mike Rapport 2008 1848:Year of Revolution. New York: Basic Books.

Edmund Burke III (ed.) Global Crises and Social Movements: Artisans, Peasants, Populists and the

            World Economy.

Adam Hochschild 2005 Bury the Chains: Prophets and Rebels in the Fight to Free an Empire’s

            Slaves. New York: Houghton Mifflin

Franz H. Michael 1966 The Taiping Rebellion. Seattle: University of Washington Press.

Jonathan Spence  God’s Chinese Son

Wallace Stegner The Coming of Zion

Charles Tilly 2008 Contentious Performances

Wednesday February 20 The World Revolution of 1917

*Robert Schaeffer, Social Movements and Global Social Change, Chapter 7

* C. Chase-Dunn and B. Lerro 2013 Social Change: Globalization From the Stone Age to the Present.

            Chapter 17 “The Twentieth Century Age of Extremes”

William G. Martin et al, 2008  Making Waves: Worldwide Social Movements, 1750-2005. Boulder,

            CO: Paradigm

Robert MacPherson 2014 “Antisystemic Movements in Periods of Hegemonic Decline:

            Syndicalism in World-Historical Perspective” Pp. 193-220 in Christian Suter and C.

            Chase-Dunn (eds.) Structures of the World Political Economy and the Future of Global Conflict

            and Cooperation. Zurich: LIT Verlag

Georges Haupt 1970 Socialism and the Great War: The Collapse of the Second International

John Reed, Ten Days the Shook the World

Eric R. Wolf Peasant Wars of the 20th Century

John Womack 1970 Zapata and the Mexican Revolution. New York: Vintage.

Michael Mann 2004 Fascists

Friday February 12 Midterm Exam

            Monday February 15 University Holiday: President’s Day

Wednesday February 17  The World Revolution of 1955; the last wave of decolonization, the Bandung Conference and non-alignment

*Arif DirlikThe Bandung legacy and the People's Republic of China in the perspective of global modernity” ( under Course Materials/Readings on the Ilearn site).

*C. Chase-Dunn and B. Lerro, Social Change:  Chapter 18 “The world-system since 1945”

Friday February 19 The World Revolution of 1968

*Immanuel Wallerstein “1968: revolution in the world-system(also under Course Materials/Readings on the Ilearn site).

*Robert Schaeffer, Social Movements and Global Social Change, Chapters 8-9

William G. Martin et al, 2008 Making Waves: Worldwide Social Movements, 1750-2005. Boulder,

            CO: Paradigm

Giovanni Arrighi, Terence K. Hopkins, and Immanuel Wallerstein.  1989. Antisystemic

            Movements.  Chapter 5 “1968: the great rehearsal”

Tom Hayden 2006 Radical Nomad: C. Wright Mills and His Times. Boulder: Paradigm

Todd Gitlin 1987 The Sixties: Years of Hope, Days of Rage

Jack A. Goldstone, Ted Robert Gurr and Farrokh Moshiri (eds.)1991 Revolutions of the Late

            Twentieth Century

Michael Vickery 1984 Cambodia 1975-1982 Chaing Mai, Thailand: Silkworm Books

Monday February 22  The World Revolution of 1989

*Robert Schaeffer, Social Movements and Global Social Change, Chapter 10

Terry Boswell and C. Chase-Dunn 2000 The Spiral of Capitalism and Socialism Chapter 3 “The

                 Revolutions of 1989” Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner

Ellen Reese 2005 The Backlash Against Welfare Mothers. Berkeley: University of California


Mary Kaldor, 2003 Global Civil Society. London: Polity Press

Wednesday February 24 The World Revolution of 200x

*Robert Schaeffer, Social Movements and Global Social Change, Chapter 11

*C. Chase-Dunn and R.E. Niemeyer 2009 “The world revolution of 20xx” Pp. 35-57 in

               Mathias Albert, Gesa Bluhm, Han Helmig, Andreas Leutzsch, Jochen Walter (eds.)

               Transnational Political Spaces. Campus Verlag: Frankfurt/New York

C. Chase-Dunn, Global Formation, Chapter 5: World Culture, Normative Integration and


Stephen Gill 2000 “Toward a post-modern prince?: the battle of Seattle as a

          moment in the new politics of globalization” Millennium 29,1: 131-140

Manfred Steger, James Goodman and Erin K. Wilson 2013 Justice Globalism:

          Ideology, Crises, Policy. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Helmut Anheier and Hagai Katz 2003 “Mapping Global Civil Society” pp. 241-258 in Mary

            Kaldor, Helmut Anheier and Marlies Glasius (eds.) Global Civil Society 2003. New

            York: Oxford University Press.

Jackie Smith and Dawn Weist 2012 Social Movements in the World-System. New York: Russell


Charles Lindholm and Jose Pedro Zuquete 2010 The Struggle for the World: Liberation Movements

            for the 21st Century

Boaventura DeSousa Santos 2006 Rise of the Global Left

Savan Savas Karatasli,  Sefika Kumral, Ben Scully and Smriti Upadhyay 2014 Class, Crisis,

            and the 2011 Protest Wave: Cyclical and Secular Trends in Global Labor Unrest” in

            Immanuel Wallerstein, Christopher Chase-Dunn and Christian Suter (eds.) Overcoming

            Global Inequalities.  Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers.

Manuel Castells 2012 Networks of outrage and hope : social movements in the Internet             age Cambridge: Polity Press

Medea Benjamin and Andrea Freedman 1989 Bridging the Global Gap: A Handbook to Linking

            Citizens of the First and Third Worlds.  Cabin John, MD: Seven Locks Press.

Friday February 26 Comparing World Revolutions

*Robert Schaeffer, Social Movements and Global Social Change, Chapters 12-13

* C. Chase-Dunn, “The Piketty Challenge: World Revolutions and Global Inequality

William G. Martin et al, 2008 Making Waves: Worldwide Social Movements, 1750-2005.  Boulder,

            CO: Paradigm

Terry Boswell and Christopher Chase-Dunn 2000 The Spiral of Capitalism and

          Socialism:Toward Global Democracy.  Boulder: Lynne Rienner.

Colin J. Beck 2011 “The world cultural origins of revolutionary waves: five centuries of

            European contestation. Social Science History 35,2: 167-207.

Lelia J. Rupp and Verta Taylor 1987 Survival in the Doldrums: the American Women’s Rights

            Movement, 1945 to the 1960s New York: Oxford University Press

Beverly Silver 2003  Forces of Labor: Workers Movements and Globalization since 1870. 

Paul Mason 2013 Why Its Still Kicking Off Everywhere: The New Global Revolutions

Monday February 29 Transnational Social Movements

*Valentine Moghadam, Globalization and Social Movements, Chapters 1-3

Tarrow, Sidney 2005  The New Transnational Activism, Cambridge, UK:  Cambridge

            University Press

The UCR Research Working Group on Transnational Social Movements


            Jackie Smith, Marina Karides, et al. 2007. The World Social Forum and the Challenges of Global

                        Democracy. Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers

Ruth Reitan 2007 Global Activism. London: Routledge.

Margaret Keck  and Kathryn Sikkink 1998 Activists Beyond Borders: advocacy networks in

            international politics. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.

Paul Almeida 2014  Mobilizing Democracy: Globalization and Citizen Protest. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Tom Reifer (ed.) Global Crises and the Challenges of the 21st Century

            Wednesday March 2 North-South relations within the movements

*Valentine Moghadam, Globalization and Social Movements, Chapters 4-5

            * Christopher Chase-Dunn, Ellen Reese, Mark Herkenrath, Rebecca Giem, Erika Guttierrez,

               Linda Kim, and Christine Petit. 2008 “North-South Contradictions and Bridges at

               the World Social Forum,” in NORTH AND SOUTH IN THE WORLD

               POLITICAL ECONOMY, edited by Rafael Reuveny and William R. Thompson.


            Susan Olzak 2006 The Global Dynamics of Racial and Ethnic Mobilization

Friday March 4 Transnational Social Movements and Semiperipheral development: regimes and movements

*Valentine Moghadam, Globalization and Social Movements, Chapters 6-7

*C. Chase-Dunn Contemporary Semiperipheral Development: the Regimes and the


C. Chase-Dunn, Alessandro Morosin, A., and Alexis  Álvarez  2015. “Social Movements and Progressive Regimes in Latin America: World Revolutions and Semiperipheral Development”. in Almeida, Paul D. and Allen Cordero. Eds. 2015. Handbook of Social Movements across Latin America. New York: Springer.

Patrick Bond (ed.) 2013 Brics in Africa: anti-imperialist, sub-imperialist of in between? Centre for

            Civil Society, University of Kwa-Zulu-Natal.

David Graeber 2013 The Democracy Project: A History, A Crisis, A Movement.

Todd Gitlin 2012 Occupy Nation

Ruth Milkman, Stephanie Luce and Penny Lewis 2013 “Changing the subject: a bottom-up

            account of Occupy Wall Street in New York City” CUNY: The Murphy Institute

            (also under Course Materials/Readings on the Ilearn site).

Michaela Curran, Elizabeth A. G. Schwarz* and C Chase-Dunn 2014 “The Occupy Movement in California” in Todd A. Comer ed. What Comes After Occupy?: The Regional Politics of Resistance. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 

Jennifer Earl and Katrina Kimport 2011 Digitallly Enabled Social Change: Activism in

            the Internet Age. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Jackie Smith, Scott Byrd, Ellen Reese and Elizabeth Smythe (eds) 2015 Handbook on World

            Social Forum Activism.


Occupy Oakland shuts down the Port

Monday March 7 Global Class Formation: the Precariat

*Guy Standing, The Precariat  Chapters 1-4

____________2014 A Precariat Charter : From Denizens to Citizens New York: Bloomsbury

Susan Banki 2013 Precarity of Place: a complement to the growing precariat literature”

Christopher Chase-Dunn and Shoon Lio “Global Class Formation and the New Global Left in World Historical Perspective”

Amin, Samir. 1980 “The class structure of the contemporary imperialist system.” Monthly Review 31,8:9-26.

Francis Fukuyama, 2013 “The middle class revolution” Wall Street Journal, June 29,2013, p.


Ruth Milkman and Ed Ott (eds) 2014 New Labor in New York: Precarious Workers and the Future

            of the Labor Movement

Arne L Kalleberg  2009 “Precarious Work, Insecure Workers: Employment Relations in

            Transition” American Sociological Review 74,1: 1-22

_____________2011 Good Jobs, Bad Jobs: The Rise of Polarized and Precarious Employment

            Systems in the United States, 1970s-2000s . New York: Russell Sage Foundation

Dmitris Stevis and Terry Boswell 2008 Globalization and Labor

Jeffrey Harrod and Robert O’Brien (eds.) Global Unions?

Randall Collins 2013 “The end of middle-class work: no more escapes” Pp. 37-70 in

      Immanuel Wallerstein,  Randall Collins, Michael Mann, Georgi Derlugian and Craig

      Calhoun Does Capitalism Have a Future? New York: Oxford University Press.

Wednesday March 9 [Research Paper is Due]

Relations among movements in the New Global Left

*Guy Standing, The Precariat  Chapters 5-7

*Christopher Chase-Dunn and Matheu Kaneshiro 2009 “Stability and Change in the

               contours of Alliances Among movements in the social forum process” Pp. 119-

            133 in David Fasenfest (ed.) Engaging Social Justice. Leiden: Brill.

Peter B. Evans 2010 “Is it Labor’s Turn to Globalize? Twenty-first Century opportunities

            and Strategic Responses” Global Labour Journal  (1)3:  352-­379.

Christopher Chase-Dunn, Richard Niemeyer, Preeta Saxena, Matheu Kaneshiro, James

            Love and Amanda Spears, The New Global Left: Movements and Regimes

C. Chase-Dunn and Ian Breckenridge-Jackson “Changes in the Sizes and contours of

            Alliances Among movements in the U.S. social forum process: Comparing Atlanta   2007 with Detroit 2010”

C. Chase-Dunn, James Fenelon, Thomas D. Hall,  Ian Breckenridge-Jackson and Joel Herrera 2015 Global Indigenism and the Web of Transnational Social Movements

C. Chase-Dunn, Joel Herrera, John Aldecoa, Ian Breckenridge-Jackson and Nicolas Pascal 2015 “Anarchism in the web of transnational social movements”

Nella Van Dyke and Holly J McCammon (eds.) 2010 Strategic Alliances: Coalition Building and

            Social  Movements.  Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Friday March 11 Articulation among the movements and building a united front of the new global left

*Chase-Dunn, Christopher and Ellen Reese 2008 “Global party formation in world historical

               perspective” in Katarina Sehm-Patomaki and Marko Ulvila (eds.) Global Party

               Formation. London: Zed Press.

*Chris Chase-Dunn, Anne-Sophie Stäbler, Ian Breckenridge-Jackson and Joel Herrera

“Articulating the web of transnational social movements”

Samir Amin 2008. “Towards the fifth international?” Pp. 123-143 in Katarina Sehm-

            Patomaki and Marko Ulvila (eds.) Global Political Parties. London: Zed Press.

Bond, Patrick. 2012. The Politics of Climate Justice : Paralysis Above, Movement Below. Durban, SA:

            University of Kwa-zulu Natal Press.

William K. Carroll and J. P. Sapinski  Embedding Post-Capitalist Alternatives: The Global Network of Alternative Knowledge Production  Journal of World Systems Research Volume 19, Number 2, Pages 211-240 ( under Course Materials/Readings on the Ilearn site).

Final Exam Wednesday March 16 at 7 to 9 PM


Ghost shirt