Polities and Settlements Research Working Group

The following resources are for use with IROWS' Polities and Settlements Project. All materials contained herein are intended for academic use.

 Please contact Professor Christopher Chase-Dunn for permission to publish materials that use these files.

SetPol Agendas

NSF HSD Research Proposal; “Global state formation: modeling the rise, fall and upward sweeps of large polities in world history and the global future”

ISA 2006 Workshop Schedule and Links

Working Papers

Power and Size: Urbanization and Empire Formation in World-Systems (PEWS02 paper)
ASA 2001 Presentation (for PowerPoint 97)
Settlement Systems: Past and Present by C. Chase-Dunn and A. Jorgenson
Estimating the Population Sizes of Cities by Daniel Pasciuti and Chris Chase-Dunn

A measurement error model for Estimating the Population Sizes of Preindustrial Cities by Daniel Pasciuti

IROWS Working Paper #5 Christopher. Chase-Dunn and Alice Willard, Systems of Cities and World-Systems

 IROWS Working Paper #7 Christopher Chase-Dunn and Susan Manning, "City Systems and World-Systems: Four Millennia  of City Growth and Decline" 

IROWS Working Paper #11 Christopher Chase-Dunn, Alexis Alvarez and Daniel Pasciuti,

            “World-systems in the biogeosphere: three thousand years of urbanization, empire formation and climate change.”

IROWS Working Paper #15 Christopher Chase-Dunn, “The role of ecosettlement systems in social evolution”

IROWS Working Paper #30  Christopher Chase-Dunn, Thomas D. Hall, Richard Niemeyer, Alexis Alvarez, Hiroko Inoue, Kirk Lawrence,

                        Anders Carlson, Benjamin Fierro,  Matthew Kanashiro, Hala Sheikh-Mohamed and Laura Young, 

                        Middlemen and marcher states in Central Asia and East/West Growth/Decline Phases”

IROWS Working Paper #39 Alexis Alvarez, Hiroko Inoue, Kirk Lawrence, James Love, Evelyn Courtney and Christopher Chase-Dunn,

                               Upsweep Inventory: Scale Shifts of Settlements and Polities Since the Stone Age”

Climate Change Resources


David Wilkinson's (1992) Maps
Chase-Dunn's and Willard's original dataset (in Excel 97 format)


Excel file containing Chandler’s estimates of the population sizes of largest cities

Excel file contains Modelski’s estimates of the population sizes of largest cities

Excel file containing Rein Taagepera’s coding of the territorial sizes of empires:

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